1. Avengers Re-Meeting Pt 1

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Loki finds it difficult to remove himself from Astoria's bed

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Loki finds it difficult to remove himself from Astoria's bed. He knows it's magic, but it is always perfect. Never too hard. Never too soft. Never too hot or cold. Just always perfect. This whole thing is perfect. No servants knocking on his door. No Thor. No rush to get up and do anything. He knows he will eventually get bored. But right now, he can enjoy it. He is going to enjoy the Midgard birds chirping through the windows. A soft breeze from the slightly ajar bedroom door. Astoria hip bumps the bedroom door open further so she can carry in a tray covered in breakfast foods. He can smell the magic coming off of it, and he knows that she cheated. He doesn't care though. She is going to need her full magical strength in the coming years. He knows Thanos isn't going to quit. And she might just be the last line of defence this plant has. She cocks her head, seemingly reading his mood. He shakes his head. It's nothing for her to worry about yet. She should just concentrate on using her magic as if it's just another extension of her. Astoria looks younger now. He doesn't know if it is because of the Aether, or if it is just because she is relaxed, that they're not fighting for their lives or something else but she looks more youthful. She sets the tray on the bed over his legs and sits with him, taking a strawberry from the tray to take a bite of it. Loki watches her though. Ignoring the food. There is definitely something about her. Beautiful. He hasn't seen her this relaxed yet. The stress of an invasion. The stress of being in an unfamiliar realm with an unfamiliar power inside of her, killing her. Now they are here. She has nothing to worry about. No stress. No more than she would normally have. She is calm. He touches her cheek and she raises an eyebrow at him.

"You not hungry?" She asks. A little concerned as he didn't eat much for dinner the night before. Neither of them did. He leans closer to her and brushes his lips over hers. He does this. He does this all the time now. Now that he can. Any moment he can get his hands on her, he does so. He can taste the fruit on her lips, the soft sweetness that just tastes even more delicious mixed with her. He deepens the kiss, brushing his tongue over hers and she moans into his mouth. He unties the silk gown from around her and pushes it down her shoulders. It's been like this for a couple of days now. Since he got here. They try and do something else. Like, eat. Or bathe. Or read and it always escalates into sex. Always. She is aware that she's never been one for relationships. Not serious ones. She has sex and then moves on. But with Loki. It's something new. Something that she never thought she'd get with anyone, let alone an actual god. It's a constant attraction and need for him. A constant feeling of affection that never wanes. Not in the last year and more. She kept waiting for it to happen. But one year passed and she still felt things for him. That's when she knew. That she is tied to him as much as he feels tied to her. It's why even now, she can't get enough of him. That he makes her happy. She really thought Reginald screwed her up too much for her to feel this level of happiness or commitment. There is a noise from her balcony that sets the two of them instantly on edge. The two of them moving from the bed and towards the deep purple curtains covering the sliding balcony doors. Loki manifests and holds up his daggers and nods at Astoria who readies her magic into one hand, using the other to yank the curtain aside to reveal Thor.

"Thor!" Loki scolds as he pulls his daggers back. Thor stands on her balcony looking rather sheepish. Astoria shoots him an annoyed look and then with a wave of her hand the door slides open. "Really?" Loki asks. "How did you find us?"

"Stark" Thor answers. "Astoria is 'listed'" Astoria snorts. "I don't know what that means but here I am so..."

"And why are you here?" Loki counters as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"I thought you would like to know what they said" Thor sets his hammer down on the balcony before walking into the apartment, a show of peace. Astoria sits back on her bed and raises an eyebrow.

"Who said what?" She asks. Loki shoots Thor a look. He and Astoria haven't exactly had a chance to talk about anything yet. It's only been a couple of days and they've been very busy with other matters.

"I was to inform Shield and the others about Loki's return" Astoria snorts.

"How that go with Shield?" She asks with a smirk taking another strawberry from the tray.

"They have had some issues" Thor answers, then notes her look. "Which of course you know, you have been here...."

"I knew last year" She admits as she runs her fingers through her hair. "I was just waiting for everyone else to catch up, or take notice of the hints I dropped....but apparently no one else speaks Sokovian" She shrugs and takes another piece of fruit. Thor hums a little.

"So how did it go?" Loki asks as he sits on the end of her bed. He's a little nervous. He wants to stay with Astoria and to be honest, even if they tell him to leave, he doesn't think he will. He will find another way around it.

"They were favourable, for the most part," Thor tells Loki. "Barton voiced some disagreement, but...ultimately agreed"

"So Loki has official permission to stay?" Astoria asks. Thor nods in agreement.

"But..." Thor adds.

"There it is" Loki comments and gives his brother a look.

"There are a few demands and terms you must agree to and adhere to" Thor explains. "And they want to talk about it in person...with both of you"

"Why me?" Astoria asks. "I..don't think I've done anything recently to get me into trouble with them" Loki and Thor both look at her.

"You just bonded with an ancient mystical power that's granted you immeasurable power" Loki reminds her. "You don't think they saw what happened with Malekith?" She pulls a face and then nods. That's fair. They probably did see her all over the news in London. They probably want some answers. Or at least an explanation. She's not really watched the news since, but the snippets she has seen made her look immensely badass.


Loki sighs a little as he sits on the edge of Astoria's bed, Thor can be heard in the living room watching television as Loki and Astoria get dressed to head to the tower. He's suddenly very nervous again. And a little angry. That to stay with the woman he adores he has to follow rules set forth by a group of mortals. Astoria kneels behind him on the bed.

"Following their rules" He complains a little. "How ridiculous"

"But you get to stay" She reminds him as she kisses his neck. Loki sighs and nods. He gets to stay. That is what is to come of this. This is what he wants. He wants to be here.

"What if they want to lock me up?" He counters.

"I'll get you out" She promises him, he smirks and hums. That he knows. She nuzzles into his neck and pulls her knees up to rest against his side. "You know...I have this nice little trick....called telepathy" She teases. "It means I can make people do things..."

"I don't think using mind control to apologise for using mind control is going to help us, Darling" He counters, she blows a raspberry into his neck and he closes his eyes. "As touching as the sentiment is" She draws her hands over his chest and he leans back into her hold. "And I do...appreciate it" He assures her. She moves her lips to his ear and he lets out a breath. As much as he likes this, they have somewhere to be and he can't be distracted by her. "I need a level head" He scolds but there is no real malice in it, he pulls her around so she is draped over his lap, his hand curling around her cheek. She chuckles and leans into his hand. "I like you like this" He whispers softly.

"What?" She asks. "Laughing? Happy? In your lap?" He shakes his head and leans closer to her.

"All mine" He growls against her lips and then kisses her. "But we do have to get dressed" He reminds her, she pulls a disgruntled face but then nods in agreement. "As delicious you look in that purple number" She looks down at her outfit and nods. She likes it too. "Maybe keep it for later" He runs his hand along her thigh and pulls her closer. 

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