Ch. 1, Flowers (from 1970)

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Chapter 1 
~~~~~~ 3rd POV~~~~~~~

    It was the first day of summer vacation. The sun was shining high as you walked through the park. Just out of the corner of your eye, you see a quaint little shop, next to the tall buildings. You decided to go and check it out. As you approached the little shop you saw a small crowd of people, as it was small you thought nothing of it. As you walked toward the little shop where the meeting of people were leaving, you thought, ‘Wow, talk about timing..’, even though you are sickly awkward, you thought of it as weird. You aproced the little shop to notice that it had a lot of small plants hanging in the window. You were about to go in when you got a ding from your phone, you decided not to check it out. As you walked into the little shop, you heard another ding, but this time it was from the door, ‘How cute!’ you thought to yourself. As you looked around you noticed that you were in a flower shop full of exotic type plants and flowers. You notice one in particular that you liked.

~~~~~~~ Y/N’s POV~~~~~~~~~~~

    “You seem to like these flowers..?” An old woman asked. She seemed to be the store owner.
    “O-Oh, yes but, I’m still looking.” I said back nervously. It looked like she was almost going to walk away when she said, “If you're interested, those flowers are called ‘Red Cubs’.” 
    ‘Red Cubs’ you thought.’What a strange name…’ As she left you couldn't help but look at them more, but I was interrupted by a large group of ‘Twitter girls’. As you could make out that they were all on their phones and looking at the Red Cubs. You started to get claustrophobic, so you walked to the other side of the store. You hear a couple more dings and feel your phone explode with notifications. Most of them were from Twitter. You open up Twitter and find that Tommyinnit had posted that he was in America and he was in the group I saw leave the flower shop. It would have been cool meeting him. He was one of Mark's friends.
 Out of the corner of your eyes, you see an almost glowing plant. Its glow was as if it had millions of fireflies were trapped in the pedals, glowing bright, crimson red, almost as if it were alive. I look back to see that all the fans were fighting over the plants. . You start to look for the nice, old woman. You finally see her across the store, behind the counter. As you speed walk to her she notices you and asks if you need anything. You reply if she knows about the blood red plant near the back, she seems shocked but just as quickly her mood changes to happy. She starts to ask what color it was as she says, “Im old, you do have to excuse my head.” She says half jokingly.
    As oblvious as you are, you start to tell her.
    “It was- this- this- red crimson color- and-  and- .. it was glowing…” You managed to say, still stammering your words. And you can swear you saw her eyes light up when you said ‘glowing’.
    “Do you believe in magic?”

Blood Flowers //Ranboo's Twin// Tommyinnit x Reader//Where stories live. Discover now