Ch. 5 SwEEt MeMoriES

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Chapter 5
My Dream’s---------

I was at my grandma's house. I remember this. I saw her on the porch, waving at us. I looked over to see my dad and mom. Not my step-mom, my real mom. She was just like me but she didn’t have a scar running down her face. She was in her light green and white summer dress, even though it was the middle of fall. Her hazelnut eyes were following the way the leaves danced as they fell down. My dad on the other hand wore his business suit. I assumed he was going to go back to work after visiting grandma. His eyes did not dance in the wind like my moms, his were a cold opaque blue. I didn’t like the way he would leave early and stay at work late. He never really liked me, he only ever tolerated Mark. Sometimes he would leave for work and wouldn't come back until early morning.
 He would only say hi to mom and then leave again, but mom was kind. She would never do that. I ran up to Grangran and hugged her, Mark was right behind me the entire time. He was lucky and was born 3 minutes before me, but we’re still twins. When we turned 6, Mark was already one inch taller than me. Then that turned into 3, then 6, and then when we turned 15, he was 6’0 while I was still 5’4. GranGran let us go and ushed is to the house, where two wrapped presents stood. They both looked like rounded rectangles, only one was a little shorter than the other. GranGran sat on the couch. Waiting to see our faces as we opened our gifts. Mark took off his glasses and mask, and I just took off my glasses, seeing that it was the only thing that was on my face. I knew Mark had Body dysmorphic disorder, or BDD, that's why he would usually cover his face in public. He seemed to be fine around me and GranGran though.
    I looked at his freckled face and opaque blue eyes. Both know the look. We got our respected boxes and tore them open like animals. We both knew what they were, so we hugged GranGran. She always gave us makeup and a new video game. We got up and thanked her. Hugging her multiple times. Then dad got a call. I assumed it was from work then he said in a low hushed voice, 
    “I know you're impatient, but I’m with my wife and kids. Can’t this wait? 

Fine I’ll go.” 
Then he said he needed to go to work. Again. When will he stop, and put his family first? I tried to focus on Mark. He already put his mask back on. I put my glasses on and looked at grangran. She looked more stern whenever mom and dad would fight. I tried not to focus on the fighting that was happening behind me. They were trying to be quiet but it didn’t help, we could still hear them. I looked back to see them leave. I looked at Mark longingly, sure, we were 15 but it still hurt. She tried to distract us by bringing out cookies. They were still hot, with steam coming out of them. The smell wafted all throughout the room. It was almost distracting me, but when the car started with a loud purr, I snapped back to reality. It's been two years since we’ve visited grangran. A lot has happened since then. 


    I woke up in a sweat. The light from the window made its way into my eyes, allowing me to see. I took a moment to breathe. Once I calmed down I went to my logbook. It was more of a memory book, but I used it to keep track of what to do. I flipped to today's page. I had written. All it said was ‘go to the fair with Ranboo and Tommy.’ I looked around for my wallet. After a few minutes of looking I gave up and looked for my phone. It was on the charger, where I left it two days ago. I left it there while I went to that strange flower shop. I looked at my notifications. I still had alot of them from Twitter. I unlocked my phone and opened the app. These were all from people following me. I also noticed that they were all of the people from Dream SMP, even Dream followed me! There were some others that weren’t from there, like Minx. I will admit that she is hot. 
    I shut my phone off and unplugged the charger from it. It immediately turned back on, and I shut it off again. I continued to look for my wallet. After nonstop looking, I decided that I would make everyone food. It was going to be a surprise but Mark walked in to see me getting out cake mix, food coloring, and chocolate. I ignored him and kept making my cake mix. I got out a large bowl and a stir stick. I looked at the time. It was 7:29 am. Tommy should be awake by now. 
    “Hey Mark, can you go check on Tommy?” I asked him. Since England's Time was 5 hours ahead of ours, you'd figure he’d be awake by now. 
    “Yeah sure,” He replied, leaving me to cook. I got the morning cup out and measured what it said. I put in 2 cups of water, 2 eggs, half a cup of oil, a pinch of salt, 1 and a half cups of baking soda, 3 cups of flour, 1 and ¾ cup of sugar, and 2 teaspoons of vanilla. Once I made sure that they were mixed thoroughly I added in my favorite color of food dye. I mixed it just enough to see a marble effect in it. I looked at the non preheated oven and panicked. How could I have forgotten? I quickly set it to preheat at 400 degrees Fahrenheit. While I waited to put the cupcakes in. I went up the stairs. They both have been quiet. I was starting to worry. I turned to Tommy's room, and slowly opened the door. I looked around. Nothing was out of place as far as I knew. I went to go out the door when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I screamed and threw my hand back to whoever was touching me. I felt the force of their neck and my hand collide. They backed up right away. I was going to run out the door and call the cops when I heard laughing. It sounded like Marks. I was fueruise. How could they prank me? Just as I was going to yell at them I heard a loud sound. I imitly screamed again. Then it hit me, that was the oven. I ran downstairs and into the kitchen. I looked at the cupcake pan that was not full of cupcakes. Carefully I poured the batter into each cup cake tray.  Once all of them were filled halfway I put them in the hot oven. I closed the lid. It was too early in the morning to be scared. I heard the boys laughing. I remembered something I had to do at eight. I looked at the time It read, ‘7:56’ shiz
    “MARK I'M GOING TO LEAVE NOW DON’T BURN WHAT’S IN THE OVEN!” I yelled in a hurry as I put my shoes on. I ran out the door and onto my bike. It was light green but now's not the time. I put on my helmet and pettled to the bakery that was just a few blockers from the house. They were doing a competition to see if we had enough skills to be here. I was there in no time. I put my bike on a bike rack and put my helmet down. I rushed inside and put on my uniform which was easy to put on, thank GOD, I rushed into the back office where everyone else was. By everyone, I mean me, the owner of the store, the manager and two other people. One of them was a superintendent, the other my colleague. We were the only ones to show up out of 36 other workers. I was surprised no one else was here. I looked around for a few more moments. I heard something from the manager to try and get the attention. I looked at her and straightened out a bit as did the others. 
"You all, two, worked so hard, and now comes your reward. This is a check for 1,000.00 USD, or you can switch it to another currency." As she said that the owner and the superintendent carried out a huge check. There was no way I could fit that on my bike. I looked at the other person's face. They looked worried. As if I could win something like this. I looked back at the manager.
"You will be tested to see if you really deserve this check, and a raise might be included." She stated. There was no denying that I was pumped. I looked around trying to get a sneak of what we're doing. 
"The challenge will be a baking challenge. Whoever can make macaroons the fastest, And makes them the tastiest, wins!" I got to a mini kitchen setup and looked for the ingredients. Butter, salt, flour, baking soda, sugar, water, vanilla, 1 egg, ok now all I need is the food coloring. I went back over to my stand with all my ingredients. Food coloring was already there on the top. I pulled out my favorite color and started the process. First I put half of the butter into the bowl, adding a little bit of vanilla to make it softer. I put it in the mixer and put it at a low beat. While that was happening I looked up. He was already working on the filling. I mixed my dry ingredients thoroughly, being careful not to spill any. I look back at my mixer. The butter was just at the right consistency. I started to slowly put in my dry ingredients. I stopped again as I forgot to preheat the oven. I put my bowl down and preheated the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit, and then continued to pour the dry ingredients in. I took ⅓ of a cup of water and put it in there. Now it was almost the right consistency. I put my hands in water, trying to make them clean, and then put one of my fingers in the batter to feel if it was right. It wasn't. It was more liquidy. I added more flour and sugar to it. It fixed the problem. I heard my oven beep. It was done but I wasn't. I think that the other person forgot to do that as well. I smiled a little. I took a piping bag and stuffed most of my mix into it. I looked at the tray. It didn't have the liner on it. We would just have to wing it. I carefully remembered where to put each one. I slowly came up. I put them in the oven and started to get to work on my filling. I took my vanilla extract and mixed it with sugar, milk, powdered sugar, and a little bit of flour. I begin mixing, making a 50/50 ratio. I needed it to be more liquidy this time, but not too liquidy that it's runny but just enough. I took out the tops and bottoms. They were a little burnt but that's ok. I made sure that they got off of the mat. A few were too stiff and broke when I tried to remove them. That's fine. I still had the majority of them. I made them beautiful and raised my hand. I looked over to the person who was not raising their hand. 
    I did it! I had won! The manager came up to me. I handed her one of my best. Her face was still, almost as if she was thinking of letting her sweet tooth out.
“It’s a little too sweet but, I suppose, you win. The $1,000 is yours.” I was so excited! Wait..
“What time is it?” I asked her. She looked confused but still answered.
“11:41? Why?” 
“Um- Thanks for the check, and I have about 10 minutes to get somewhere!” I said excitedly. 
“Oh, ok, here then?” She handed me the check and I said Thanks again and ran out changing back out of my uniform and back into my PJs. Why didn’t I get changed, I don’t know. I ran out the door almost letting go of my check and put on my bike helmet. I got on my bike and paddled not as hard to the house. Once I got in front of the house I threw myself off of my bike. Got rid of my helmet, and burst through the door. No one was in the kitchen. I slowly closed the door. I sprinted there. I looked in the oven, which, inside, still had my cup cakes. The now burned food made me realize my hatred for my brother. I stormed up the stairs ready to burst in his room. Then I thought, 'What if he's doing  a face cam stream?' To that I stormed into my room to get my glasses and a plain black mask. I closed my door as lightly as I could and went to my brother's usual streaming room. I opened up the door in a huff, and sure enough he was doing a face cam stream. I got right to the point.
"Oh.. Is- Is that what you said not to burn before you left?" He questioned sweetly as his voice got higher. I couldn't stay mad at him forever. I sighed roughly and pinched the nose of my bridge. He giggled, knowing he was going to get in trouble.
"I'm letting you go for now, and it's because you're streaming. NOT that you're older than me or that you're incredibly tall." A waited a few minutes before looking at the chat.
"YES CHAT SPAM SISTERBOO!" I yelled before running out. Slamming the door in the process. I went to my room to put away my mask. I put my glasses on the top of my head. I went down stairs to look at the time. It was 11:57. Not quite lunch yet but still. I went upstairs to get my phone. I opened my room to find my phone buzzing. I looked at it to find people were spamming my DMs. I went to my settings to block notifications from Twitter. Once the buzzing finally stopped, I looked up where to find pizza near me. I knew I needed to not be in PJs when I go there so I changed into something more presentable. I was dressed in a yellow flower dress with knee high see through socks. I changed my regular sunglasses for my summer glasses. They had flowers on the rim. I went downstairs and yelled, 
"I'M GOING TO GET FOOD, I'LL BE BACK IN AN HOUR!" In return Mark screamed. I could take Tommy with me, and with that I started to go upstairs, again, and knock on Tommy's door. The sleepy head finally answered the door. He was dressed in a plain white T, and had black shorts on. 
"Do you want to go get pizza with me?" Blush sprinkled across my face. I looked at his eyes. His bright electric blue eyes. God he looks hot. Wait no, stop. You just met him personally 2 days ago. But that was enough time for him to change his phone password to your name. Ah- just- just stop thinking about this.
"Yeah sure just let me get changed." Awesome. A few minutes later he came out in a yellow sweater with a brown coat over it and black pants on. He has his black shoes on. He looks like Wilbur. He was such a younger brother to that man. Even if they aren't related, I can see how much he cares. I think everyone can. 
“Alright let's get going.” I say leading him down stairs. 

  This is going to be the chapter until I can wright more. As in  YALL BETTER BE GRATEFUL IM GIVING YOU THIS

2761 WORDS!

You scrolled down here for nothing AHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH-

Blood Flowers //Ranboo's Twin// Tommyinnit x Reader//Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora