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The setting takes place at the middle school Tamaki, Kyoya are second year, Mori and Honey are third years, the twins and reader are first years. This part gives a small part of each host's relationship with the reader during this time.

Anyway, let's get right into it.


A young h/c haired girl and Blond boy sat snuggled up together. The boy had his arms wrapped lovingly around the girl. Face nuzzled into her neck.

"Tamaki-senpai you should make a host club." The girl said.

"Hmm, you think so Y/N?" The boy, Tamaki questions.

"Yeah, it would be interesting... But only get really good-looking guys" Y/N states, with a smirk.

Tamaki narrows his eyes at her and tightens his hold on her.

"I should be the only good-looking guy in your life Y/N" he pouts cutely.

"Right... you are" 'Until I get bored' Y/N chuckles lightly at her thought, as she turns in his arms and kisses him sweetly.

Tamaki smiles into the kiss and deepens it. Then moves to hold the back of her head, while his other moves to hold her waist and bring her closer.

As Tamaki pulls Y/N on top of him. So she is straddling him. Her hands find their way to his hair giving him a slight tug earning a small groan from him.

Tamaki pulls at Y/N's shirt. She smiles at him slowly pulling it up. Right when it gets to her breast she goes even slower... *BAM*

"Ughh" Tamaki groans as he untangles himself from the covers.

Leaning up he sighs, standing up disappointed.

"That same dream ugh... I should get over it... it's been 2 weeks since she started to completely ignore me... like I don't exist anymore..." Tamaki sighs to himself.

Just then he gets a notification on his phone, what he saw made him burst into tears and throw his phone across the room.

"She moved on so easily after abandoning me... it's like these past 4 months didn't mean anything to her... like I didn't mean anything." he cried.

Tamaki finally took a breath and calmed down. 'I will just move on from her... I will prove to her she didn't matter to me... T-th-that I never cared about her...' he thought to himself determinedly.

He walked over to his phone and picked it up looking at the post she made on 'WebSpace' {Yo I don't even know anymore } It was a picture of her and a short blond boy snuggled together, the boy blushing like crazy and her with a small cute smile. The post was titled:

'Snuggles with my Honey'

'Her Honey... she didn't even know that kid existed until... 2... weeks ago... when we bumped into...him at a gala opening .. is that when she took interest in him?' Tamaki thought as he walked to his limo.

*Flash Back 2 Weeks ago*

We were walking through the brightly lit halls at the art gala our parents made us go to. I was secretly happy though since I got to see Y/N in this stunning sky blue and white dress. she was the most beautiful girl I had seen.

The Player Type (Yandere OHSHC Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now