thank you spaceyray for the request!

~ picnic oneshot ~

(Let's pretend the Battle of Troy never happened.... as is the case with probably all of my oneshots for Patrochilles. On the mountain with Chiron >>>>> )

Patroclus was sceptical when Achilles suggested a picnic to celebrate his birthday. It was due to rain, which could be a problem for the present Patroclus had planned to give his lover. Although it was a small gift, lightweight and easily carried, Patroclus had been hoping for sunshine when he handed it over. Sunshine was warm and lovely, and smelled like flowers. Rain was cold and miserable, and made Patroclus smell like a wet dog.

Still, Patroclus reluctantly agreed. It was Achilles' birthday, after all, and he deserved to have the celebration he wanted. And Patroclus being Patroclus, the young man set out to make the picnic the best his lover had ever experienced. 

Fresh, crusty bread was baked, cheese bought from the market, and mountains upon mountains of figs picked, to be made both into jam and eaten fresh and juicy. Chiron helped prepare the food, guiding Patroclus with gentle instruction as the breeze blew softly through the rose quartz cave. Achilles had been ordered away, to hunt or fish or gods know what. He had gone quite willingly, throwing the dark-haired man a knowing, teasing smirk before dashing away into the birch forest that surrounded their cave.

Before Patroclus could believe it, the week passed and Friday arrived. He woke Achilles gently, placing soft kisses on the man's forehead and stroking that silky, shining golden hair. Achilles let out a low, guttural groan, wrapping his arms more tightly around Patroclus' bare torso. Their legs tangled under thin blankets, bodies locked in a tight embrace. 

'Happy birthday,' Patroclus murmured into the thick, tumbling locks of Achilles' hair. His hands ran absent-mindedly through the golden strands, reaching down to trace his lover's jaw and collarbone. 'My love.'

~ A.N.: I'm so sorry I need to get to the picnic bit don't I  ~

'Mmmm,' Achilles answered, eyes still closed and crusted with sleep. He shifted, his body now hovering above Patroclus' instead of stretched beside him. Soft morning light shone dappled on Achilles' olive-skinned torso, and the sight of the man's smooth, creamy skin made Patroclus burn under his own. He tried to bring his focus to the firm mattress beneath him, Chiron making breakfast outside, anything... but it was no use. Patroclus locked eyes with Achilles, intensity crackling between them, and rose to join their lips together.

Achilles' lips crushed against Patroclus', pushing and pulling and tasting with fervent desire. Hands trailed on smooth skin, limbs tangled... but Patroclus pulled away before it could get any more passionate.

Achilles stared indignantly at his lover as Patroclus kicked off his blankets and rose to stand. 'What are you doing?' He complained. 'Get back here. I'm cold without you.'

'No,' Patroclus smirked, raking a hand through his tousled hair. 'I have to prepare your picnic, ungrateful man. We can return to that later. Besides, it's June. It's practically boiling.' He smiled fondly at Achilles' open mouth and annoyed frown, before turning to wash and dress.

~ A.N.: Ok, ok, I promise you'll get the picnic now ~

Four hours later, Patroclus spread a handwoven blanket over spindly, vibrant grass, dappled sunlight illuminating the striped pattern as it shone through the leafy boughs of the tree above them. Chiron had opted out of the affair, claiming he had tools that needed fixing, but both Patroclus and Achilles knew it was only an excuse to avoid their blatant PDA.

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