3. (1/2)

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thank you supersach2483 for the request!

'something a little angsty with comfort and fluff'

~ college/uni au ~

Achilles was in a good mood. 

Sauntering out of the light, high-ceilinged music room, he made his way through mahogany corridors out into the sunlit central courtyard and through the university campus. It was his last class of the day, and there was a skip in his step as he soaked up the evening sun. The walk to his dorm wasn't long, so Achilles made the most of his short journey. Soon reaching the building his room was in, Achilles climbed the stairs to the fourth floor, cheerfully humming a recently-composed tune under his breath.

Expecting his roommate, Patroclus, to be in the room when he entered, Achilles flung open the door with a dramatic 'I'm home!' and waited for an answer. When no sound was made in reply, Achilles slumped, confused. Patroclus was usually in their dorm at this time, poring over a literary classic or typing an essay on his ancient laptop.

But Patroclus was nowhere to be seen.

It was a Friday, Achilles supposed. Patroclus could easily have joined the hundreds of other Durham Uni students filling the local bars, restaurants and clubs, having fun with all of his knowledgeable, literary friends. Although Achilles wasn't aware of Patroclus having many friends, besides his older brother and Achilles himself... But it didn't matter. He should let his roommate have fun. Achilles was fine with that.

Okay, maybe he was a little hurt.

It was just that they did so many things together, had so many traditions despite only sharing a dorm for a term. And lately, Achilles had started to feel like Patroclus was more than a friend. For himself, anyway... He didn't know Patroclus' sexuality, and he wasn't about to ask. That would just be awkward, and obvious. No. Achilles would continue subtly hinting his attraction until Patroclus (hopefully) noticed.

Brushing his thoughts aside, Achilles settled on the fact that Patroclus was having a perfectly fine evening, and sat down on his bed to compose some more music. His latest piece was coming along nicely, the melody silky smooth on his fingertips as he plucked his guitar strings gently. Achilles preferred the harp, but he could only use that in the music room, and he felt like a night in.

~ A.N.: I'm getting the feeling this is going to be a long one again... ~

As the tune echoed softly through their small, cosy room, words began to form in Achilles' mind. Words spinning a story, talking about unrequited love, glances held for too long, butterflies and heartstroke at a touch or smile. Achilles didn't mean it to be about Patroclus - it just happened. He would just have to make sure that he hid the lyrics well. 

Just as Achilles slid the piece of paper down the side of his mattress, his phone began to ring. Not knowing the number, he was wary, but Achilles decided to pick up anyway. He was lonely without his roommate, and hadn't talked to anyone in quite a few hours. What harm could it do?

~ A.N.: Famous last words, Achilles ~


'Hello,' the voice on the other end of the phone said, sounding frantic. 'Is this Achilles?'

'Yees,' Achilles replied warily, heart beginning to pump. 'Um... What's up?'

'Achilles, we need you to come to the local hospital immediately. There's been an accident, involving your friend Patroclus. You were the first emergency contact we could get a hold of...'

The operator's voice seemed to fade out as all sense of Achilles' surroundings left him. What had happened? Was Patroclus alright? What if he was dead? He should have told Patroclus his feelings before it was too late. He should have been there. How had he been so ignorant, so engrossed, while Patroclus was dying, in pain?

'...do you think you could do that?' The operator was sounding concerned now, their voice still far away. 'Achilles?'

'Yes, uh, I'll come immediately,' he stammered, barely able to form words. 'Please, is he alright? He won't...'

'Unfortunately, it's very hard to tell how he's doing. Patroclus is currently in surgery, but we'll let you know when he's out.'

'O-okay. Of course. Thank you.'

As soon as he put the phone down, Achilles let out a sob, battling the instinct to slide to the floor and break down. Tears slid rapidly down his face as he grabbed his coat, keys, and rushed out the door, barely able to lock it behind him through the haze of emotion clouding his eyes.

Achilles had never been more grateful for his tiny, beaten-up Toyota in his life. For once, the engine didn't sputter as he started it, and it easily weaved between cars and zipped through lights. 

It felt like forever before Achilles pulled into the hospital carpark, swerving into a parking spot with an ungodsly screech. Almost falling out of the car, Achilles dashed with newfound adrenaline towards the ER, breathing heavy as he pushed through the turning doors.

Thankfully, the ER was mostly empty. Achilles made his way up to one of the receptionists, still struggling to catch his breath in the cold, musty air of the waiting room. He hated the smell of death and sickness hanging heavily in the air, sadness and worry thick like soup. It brought back bad memories.

'Achilles,' Achilles managed to say when the receptionist asked for his name. 'Here to see Patroclus.'

'Yep,' the receptionist said, their voice monotone. 'Take a seat, please. We'll let you know when he's out of surgery. Next.'

Achilles sat. He waited for 10, 20, 40 minutes, heart thudding so loud in his chest he was sure the old man sleeping in his chair beside him would wake up from the noise. His mind ran wild, imagining in vivid detail every possible scenario. Finally, after nearly an hour of waiting, a young doctor in grey scrubs called his name.

Achilles was standing by the doctor in less than three seconds, trying hard not to yell at the poor woman for information.

'Hi, Achilles, I'm Doctor Takahashi. I've been operating on your friend Patroclus this evening. Do you know the circumstances of the accident?'

Achilles shook his head, unable to speak from the lump in his throat.

'Patroclus was driving with one of his friends, Ash, when a car swerved around the corner and hit the passenger side where he was sitting. He suffered major injuries to his head and legs. Ash got by with minor injuries, although they have a sprained ankle. We've been slowly fixing up your friend, although he's currently in a coma so we can monitor him. Would you like to see him now?'

Achilles nodded, swallowing back the tennis ball in his throat. 'Thank you,' he croaked.

'We've done the best we can,' the doctor smiled. 'And you're sure Patroclus' family aren't able to be here?'

'Um.. no. His dad lives in Athens and his mum and brother are travelling. I'm his roommate,' Achilles added, voice small and trembling. He was scared out of his mind.

'Right, then. This way, Achilles.'

Thought I'd make this 2 parts, just to be mean. I promise we'll get fluff in part 2.

Is this a way of me procrastinating? Maybe... and I'm not really vibing with this writing. The others were so much more eloquent 😩

Please vote, comment, etc and I'd love any feedback! Thanks again for these requests guys keep em coming :P

Have a gorgeous day lovelies :))

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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