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Adrian's pov

*blink* *blink* *blink*

Three of my siblings immediately bowed their heads and said

"good evening mother father"

Ehh after hearing that guess what darkness took over me and lastly I listened one thing

"Adrian son"

After I woke up I instantly got hugged who was it now-my-mom and my heart was telling me to hug back and I did?

My mother sobbed in chest for a hour I think then she let go and said

Adrian my dear I know you forgot about me due to your amnesia but I'm your mother my name is Lily Neville my mom said

You're my mom? I asked
Yes honey I'm your mom lily said

A man came in

And I'm your one  and only  father my father said

Now I know where miyahl got that personality I mumbled

Adrian honey you know I can hear you? My mom said

I shook my head to tell my mom to not tell my father

Ofc she didn't

I sighed

Adrian honey I got something to tell you-

Mom was cutted off by miya who barged into the room miyahl was following same thing she did

My mom sent death glare at miya and miyahl

Okay so honey we got a marriage proposal from the king but the problem is miya is Lesbian and miyahl already has a fiancee and sirah is too young in kings eye so we can't deny so you're gonna be married to the crown prince my mom said

*blink* *blink* *blink*

I'm gonna be married


My mom's word were honest begging me to agree

I-i agr-ee I said while sturring

Everyones eyes lit up

They all said in unison "yep!!"


And thing I know is crown prince is visiting me

Gulp my death
Kiara will be so happy to have miya but what about me?

That crown prince would probably divorse with me meh who cares

<in Adrian's bedroom>

The crown prince is infront me my death is in front of me god why me
He began to open his mouth

so you're my fiancee crown prince said I just nodded

Then let's get to know each other! Crown prince said

My name is Ethan *winks* I'm virgin
I'm ofc the crown prince and I am 15
Now you Ethan said

My name is Adrian Neville I'm also noy virgin I'm 15 too Adrian said

Ethan just nodded

They eat dinner with Neville family some threats to Ethan from the siblings -adrian here

I got recarineted as female lead's older brother [yaoi | bxb]Where stories live. Discover now