EXTRA: Zhou Zishu

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It's not that Zhou Zishu didn't love Zhen Yan.

He did, how could he not? He could very vividly recall the little boy that smiled so brightly, laughed so freely, and gazed upon him so adoringly. Zhen Yan has grown into a strong young man of twenty nine now, tall and handsome, beautiful in his own right. He wears confidence like a style and his heart on his sleeve - Zhen Yan still looks upon Zhou Zishu with adoring eyes.

But, despite the fondness and care he has for Zhen Yan, it's different with Wen Kexing.

Wen Kexing, a flower so beautiful - a red rose among a garden of white, petals so silky soft and blooming so gorgeously under the moonlight. 

Maybe if Zhou Zishu had never met Wen Kexing, he could feel more for Zhen Yan - can imagine more with the man.

Life can not hold onto a maybe.

Even before Zhou Zishu knew Zhen Yan was Zhen Yan - back when he was just Wen Yan - he had felt some sort of connection to the man. Even then, though, it did not change the fact that it always felt lesser when compared to Wen Kexing. As awful as it sounds, if they're talking about soulmates, Zhou Zishu can't help but only think of Zhen Yan as his platonic soulmate, whereas Wen Kexing felt more.... just more.

"I don't think I have a soul anymore," Wen Kexing commented one night, having returned from two hours of hunting to feed. 

Zhou Zishu had grunted, raising a brow in both confusion and curiosity. 

What could have possibly brought this up?

"I know Martial Artists like to look for this concept of another half, a soulmate," Wen Kexing acknowledge and despite how he seemed to try to speak so nonchalantly, his shoulders are slightly tensed and his hands are picking at the ends of his sleeve, "I just want to remind you that I'm not human, A' Xu. I can't change that. I can't..."

"Silly wife," Zhou Zishu sighed out, shaking his head. He had no idea where the sudden conversation came from, though he suspects it must be due to the rather non-subtle flirting of Wen Yan, "What nonsense are you speaking?"

Wen Yan had called Zhou Zishu his soulmate not too long ago. He doesn't know how, but it seems that Wen Kexing had caught wind of the words. His little pot of vinegar blushed slightly at the endearment - much to Zhou Zishu's amusement - and huffed at his words.

"I'm just saying that if soulmates are a real thing, I don't think I have a soul to be compatible with yours," Wen Kexing almost seemed to snap defensively.

Zhou Zishu sighed again, feeling far too fond for this creature of the night. He sat and beckoned him closer. Wen Kexing stayed still for a second before giving in, stepping towards Zhou Zishu. The moment he was close enough, Zhou Zishu grabbed his arm and hauled him into his lap.

Wen Kexing gave quite an adorable squeak, bracing the palm of his hands onto his shoulders, knees bracketing Zhou Zishu's lap. His cute, blood-thirsty creature of the night glared down at him. Zhou Zishu gave a small smile that softened him immediately.

Silly man.

"I don't know where this wife of mine has gained the idea of our souls being compatible," Zhou Zishu lied easily, peering up at the hovering creature over him, "But I refuse to allow something like fate to decide just who it is that my soul belongs to. And even if my soul is compatible with someone else's, I make the decisions. Remember that."

Wen Kexing was quiet for a bit, his eyes like honey gold raking over Zhou Zishu's face, as if searching for any doubt or insincerity. Any deception. 

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