°partners in crime°

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my hands traced the stone cold walls of the castle. something was wrong. i could sense it in the air. so far the castles ball had been going supprisingly smoothly. the guests were happy, i mean, except for me. i was huddled in a corner drinking wine while the music blasted in my ears. everyone else was dancing gracefully with princes and kings from the farlands. did i mention it was the farlandians who hosted this ball. y'know, the most powerful people who have the most powerful army who also have the most powerful kingdom in this realm?

"care to dance?" a man dressed in silk asked me. his smile was warm and comfy, but i could see right through it.

"no thanks." i declined.

3 people had asked me to dance this evening, but i declined them all. i didnt want to dance, ive had my eye on something more interesting than the ball. the prince's crown. that thing was worth the whole nethers worth of gold, and i wanted my hands on it. unfortunately for me, someone else was also after the crown. technoblade. he too was eyeing it from the other side of the room.

i tried to stay low but he spotted me. i glanced at him, he stared back. i could see the smirk under his mask growing in size. god, he was such a child. i rolled my eyes at him, he simply grinned. he then disappeared into the crowd without a trace, there was no way in hell i was letting him get that crown.

i too disappeared into the crowd, laying low. i blended in perfectly with my regal clothing.

what your wearing but w/ trousers/leggings (unless you want to keep the skirt)

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what your wearing but w/ trousers/leggings (unless you want to keep the skirt)

i slithered in and out of the crowd, getting ever closer to the crown with every tactical step i took. suddenly, i tripped. i thought i hit the ground, but a strong arm caught me. it was him.

"hows the weather down there." he said, adjusting his pig mask.

"fine, until you got here." i said sarcastically, pulling myself up.

i pushed him out of the way and started to walk, until he grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest.

"where are you going?" he stated, that ever-growing smirk still plastered to his face.

"wipe that smirk of your fucking face." there was venom in my voice.

"someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." he chuckled, stretching mine and his arm out like the other dancing guests.

"i didnt wake up at all, i spent all night planning how i could grab that crown. but of course, the all-mighty technoblade has to ruin everything."

he twirled me around.

"oh, absolutely not-" i grinned, stomping on his foot with the sharp point on my heels.

"ow. i guess your not really the type to dance, huh."

while i was distracted by his words, he grabbed my waist and lifted me into the air.

"haha very funny, now put me down dipshit." i demanded, kicking my legs trying to get free.

"whats the magic word?" he asked, taunting me. ok, he was deffinitely doing this on purpose.

"youve got to be fucking kidding me."

wait, i can see the crown. its on that throne all the way over there.... but my thoughts were very rudely interrupted by some guards.

"that one." i heard one mumble while pointing to me. they started pushing through the crowd, making a clear path to me and techno.

"uhhh technoooo..." he looked up and i pointed to the guards who were steadily making their way towards us.

"sorry princess, but this dance may have to be cut short." he swiftly carried me to the ground and took my hand.

"im glad," i joked as he scoffed.

we both weaved through the dancers, carefully making our way to the exit. unfortunately for us, two armed guards were positioned infront of the door. they were both fully equipped with netherite.

"techno there is no way in hell we are getting through them-" as soon as i said that he started charging towards them. there was nothing i could do but to follow him and hope we would make it out alive.

suddenly, he pulled out a sword and sliced through the guards chestplates. there wasnt enough force to kill them, but there definitely was enough to knock them over.

"you never fail to amaze me technoblade."

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