Chapter Seventeen: About Last Night

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It's been about a week since we've came back from Philadelphia, it's been an eventful week I guess you could say, it pretty much consisted of getting winter formal finished, and making out with Britton any chance we got. Then on Wednesday, she called me her booty call, whatever that means. It's fun making out, especially when there's someone hands in a certain others pants. I don't really know what happened to me, I just feel like out of my shell or something and I just want to do whatever with Britton.

"Knock, knock." Marianna's voice, interrupting my thoughts of Britton and me.

"Come in." I told her. The door opened, and she walked in followed Britton looking very annoyed.

"So, winter formal is next week, and everything is in place. The DJ, is set to be there at exactly 3pm and will leave at about six, then we'll switch to stereo when things die down." She said as she dropped papers on my bed. "All of the decorations are set up in the gym, Justin how are the lights, and the star thingys I can't reach, oh and the photo booth."

"The stars and lights are up." I said getting up from my desk. I went to my closet and pulled out the receipts from the lights. "Whenever you can get that Principal Montgomery, it will be great." I told her, as I handed over the receipts.

"And the photo booth?" She stressed.

"The school's camera is already in place, and it's set up, with a gig stick that can hold up to two thousand photos that will go straight to the school's laptop so I can edit it and send it to the printers and hand out to students and give to the right when we comeback from winter break. Am I good or what?" I smirked.

"My guys good." Britton nodded as laid down on my bed under the covers, hiding from the light.

"How's the snacks, Britton?" Marianna asked Britton. Britton sat up and looked at Marianna, like she wanted slap her.

"It's one thing to drag me out of my bed, but you bring me to my guy’s room, and I can't do naughty things to him. This is torture." Britton sighed, laying back down. "There are ten bags of chip's, in Russell's car, four platters of sandwich in the fridge; one veggie one chicken, one turkey, and the other ham. Ice is being sent over to the school in a giant bucket for the ten cases of different kinds of soda half diet and the other regular, plus a nice comfy chair for me to sit in right next to a power outlet so I can get my YouTube on." She told her, rolling her eyes. She laid back down, and covered her face with the covers.

"What are you doing?" I asked Marianna as she made sure all of our stuff was finished.

"I'm on ticket and DJ duty." She smiled at me. "What's her deal?"

"Over the last four months I've known Britton, I've learned that you don't bother her in between the hours of eleven and eight am on Saturdays. Sundays I get away with it because by the time church is over she's out of bed."

"Then you two have crazy hot sex, for the rest of the day?" Marianna smirked jokingly.

"I fucking wish." Britton mumbled under the covers.

"Then what do you do, because I like you I really do, but what could you possibly see in each other. You’re like polar opposites." Marianna asked trying not to sound mean or rude.

"He does this thing with his tongue that drives me crazy." Britton snickered pulling the covers off. "No but seriously. He's, I don't know he's just it. My guy. How many girls can say that?"

"Ones that are in love."

"We're not in love." Britton stated.

"Yeah, were deeply in like." I said setting her straight. Can definitely see myself being in love with Britton, I hope she sees it to.

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