Chapter Twenty-Nine: Show Me What You Got, Baby Girl

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"So I heard from your loud mouthed best friend that you've decided to go to UCLA, is that right or am I just hearing things?" My dad asked me. I've been home for the last four hours; I've been doing nothing but the last pages of homework and studying. And occasionally taking a look at my Tumblr dashboard. My dad called me a few minutes ago and we've just been talking about nothing until he mentioned UCLA.

"Yeah it's true." I sighed still happy about my sudden decision.

"I can't believe my baby girl is going to UCLA." He gleamed. "What are you going for?" He asked.

"I was stuck between continuing dance, and going into media arts?" I said. "I'm leaning more towards media arts though. I love drawing and painting and all that good stuff, I mean I could be a graphic designer or in advertisement."

"I'm happy to hear you talking about your future." He told me laughing at something in the background.

"Well that makes three people very happy." I sighed sitting my pencil down on the desk. Yes I'm still a little bitter about what happened in second period with Justin.

"Well there's me, you, and Jackie. You didn't tell Justin?" He asked me.

"Oh, no I told him. But his reaction wasn't congrats it was more oh she's going to cheat." I said rolling my eyes, picking my pencil back up.

"Can you blame him?" He chuckled to himself. "Honey I love you but you have a track record, and I don't think he's necessarily scared you'll cheat I think he's scared you'll find someone who's better than he is. He is going to be in New York, and you're going to be in LA. Tell me, what's the longest you two have spent apart since you met?" He asked me.

"Not much I guess." I shrugged incoherently. "I'm just hurt he thinks I would do that, I could never do that to him."

"You had sex with him didn't you?" I told you my dad and I was close. I actually told Santana when I was ready for sex, but I had no choice but to tell my dad after words. It's not we share technique or what, because that's nasty, fucking nasty. But he knows the only virgins living in his house his two youngest kids and grandchildren.

"No. No. No. No. No. Absolutely not. Yes." I laughed shaking my head.

"Well that's why Britton." My dad laughed louder. "Look he doesn't think he owns you, I've met him, he would never think that. But he is attached to you and he loves or hates you."

"Oh I forgot how powerful my p-"

"Do not finish that sentence." He warned me cutting me off.

"I was going to say personality. Damn father." I said rolling my eyes. And was honestly going to say personality. "But that too."

"You are disgusting." He said with a monotone voice. "So you and Jackie still want to share an apartment right?"

"Britton come eat, dinner's ready." Russell shouted through my door.

"I'll be down in a minute." I told Russell. "Yeah, I'm sure she looking through color schemes for each room, including mine."

"Her room will be bright yellow, and your room will be blue. Then she'll decorate the bathroom all pink, and the living room black and white with a pop of color like green or something." He was dead on.

"Almost exactly. How did you know that?"

"Jackie is like a daughter to me sweetie, and she came over showing me swatches." He laughed. "So when is your graduation?" He asked.

"You're not going." I told him.

"Umm why not?" He asked like Cher of clueless.

"Because I think you coming down here to see a two minute ceremony is pointless." I told him. "Don't you have another daughter's graduation to attend?"

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