Why? ~ Aqua and Dark Angst

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Aqua and Dark are sisters, Aqua a Dark Vaporeon, Dark a Dark Flareon, this chapter is about how Aqua kills Dark then shortly after she's revived by Holy

Dark's pov
I took a drink from the lake, the water ALWAYS did freak me out a bit but it WASN'T that big of a fear, it JST made me you know, uncomfortable... Whenever I'm near a source of water, I feel like I'm a fish out of water taking my last gulps of air as I helplessly try to get back to the water, ofc I WASN'T no fish tho, no, I knew what I was. I heard the rustling of leaves behind me, then *CRACK!* a twig snapped, I heard a nearby mouse squeak and run away from the noise, I ignored it, it was MOST likely some random pokemon that got lost, then before I knew it, I felt claws digging into my back, I yowled in pain and sadness as I saw it was my sis who was attacking me 'Why tho?' was the ONLY question on my mind, why had she done that to me? Did I do something wrong? Is she mad at me? Why? Why! Why?! Why!? WHY? WHY! WHY?! WHY!?

Aqua's pov
I pounced onto my sis, digging my claws into her back 'Why am I doing this!?' I continued to claw her back till she fell down in pain 'STOP PLZ! I DON'T WANNA HRT HER!' I silently yelled at myself, trying and failing to get myself to stop then it clicked to me 'She told my secret... She told someone my MOST deepest, darkest secret... I HAVE to keep her mute...' She yowled as she saw me "Aqua! Sis! Plz stop! Plz-" I twisted her limbs, clawed off a huge chuck of fur off her, then bit and clawed at her throat till she bled out, she choked on her own words, throwing up a puddle of blood "Why? Sis... Why...?" I looked at her and stepped back in regret, guilt, sadness... I turned around, crying my eyes out as I ran away, her body laying next to the lake, her blood oozing out and turning the lake red, I managed to get inside a cave before the entrance collapsed on me "I'm srry..."

Holy's Pov
I was flying around when I spotted there was something wrong with the lake, it was blood red... this CAN'T be good... When I landed what I saw shocked me, who could've done this? Dark's body was jst laying there, motionless, who would want this- unless... I flashbacked to Dark telling someone Aqua's deepest darkest secret... Aqua... I took some holy water and unholy water and poured it on her, 'hopefully this'll work...', I prayed. After some minutes, she woke up, she refused to get up which makes sense she was tired she did JST die, I flew away, letting her rest, hopefully someone who can fully heal her will come by, maybe PA or Corrupted... Who knows? It's time to find Aqua... Whereever she may be...

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