Chapter 1 - Arrested

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Author's Note: So this is basically a Star Wars version of the Loki Series, except with Anakin instead. =D The first chapter might be kind of boring, but it'll get more interesting after that, especially by chapter 5. ;) Also, none of the people around are OCs, but they won't be going by their real identities, obviously. Feel free to try and guess who they are. ^-^

Oh, and in case anyone was wondering, no, Anakin is NOT going to have a romantic relationship with another version of himself. I am not a fan of Loki/Sylvie at all, but hey, this isn't really the place for an MCU rant. There won't be any romantic relationships, aside from those found in canon. Anyway, read on. :)

~ Tirana Sorki

An additional side note: If you haven't watched the Loki series, no worries. You don't need to know what happens in there to understand this. And yes, there are technically spoilers, since the plot is entirely based off that TV series, though it's been adjusted to fit Star Wars. :D

~ Amina Gila

Anakin Skywalker knew he should have expected this eventually, but he didn't think it was going to happen so soon. They just managed to pick up on a Separatist transmission; the Separatists are planning to send Grievous and Ventress to Kamino to try and stop the production of more clones. The Republic needs to get there as fast as possible to stop the attack and defend the planet. The clones are needed to protect the Republic.

He's looking over a hologram of the main facilities of Kamino with his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, when he feels a sudden shifting in the Force. It's right nearby, like nothing he's ever felt before. Then the Force seems to surge in a way it never has in the past, and Anakin spins around. A figure is standing in the corner, one who wasn't there a moment before.

A full-grown, orange Togruta with very familiar white markings is staring back at them. Her presence in the Force feels very familiar too, though it's clearly changed through the years. Anakin blinks in shock, hardly even sure if he's actually seeing what looks very much like an older version of Ahsoka Tano. Is he imagining things? This doesn't make any sense.

"Anakin." She's the first to speak, the name coming out quiet, almost pained.

"What in the blazes is happening?!" exclaims Obi-Wan.

"Ahsoka?" Anakin breathes, hoping that he's dreaming, except he knows he isn't. Either something very strange is going on, or he's gone crazy. "... What?" His real padawan is back on Coruscant, unless she spontaneously became thrice her age and teleported onto the Star Destroyer, which is impossible. So what...?

"Do you... know anything about the World Between Worlds?" older-Ahsoka blurts awkwardly.

"The – what?" repeats Anakin in confusion.

"It's a doorway of sorts between time and space where everything from the past, present, and future exists at once. And from any timeline," she explains, still clearly uncomfortable, "So... that's how I'm here." Anakin's never heard of it, and his first instinct is to laugh it off, but the truth of her words rings in the Force. Besides, he can't deny that what looks like a future version of Ahsoka is standing right in front of him.

"You're from the future?" asks Obi-Wan dubiously.

She nods. "I – I came here to..." She shifts, and Anakin can sense more than see how uncomfortable she is. She's holding herself together so remarkably well – control she for certain didn't learn from him, of all people – but there's a sensation of underlying darkness and loneliness he's never felt before. "Say goodbye."

Why – why would she come here for that unless something happened to him and Obi-Wan in the future she's from? What – what could have happened? He knows how possible it is that somehow one or both of them could end up getting killed in the war, but for some reason, something is telling him it's a lot worse than that. It's unsettling, to say the least.

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