Chapter 22 - Closure

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Author's Note: Welp! This is the last chapter of the main story! Although there are three bonus chapters which I think/hope y'all will enjoy. We might write a sequel someday depending on what happens in the second season of the Loki series though. ;)

~ Amina Gila

They barely make it into the hanger when Anakin feels Obi-Wan's presence, and swirling with a significant amount of anger, at that. They don't have time to deal with this now. After visiting the healers wing – Anakin would much rather stay far away, but Starkiller needs to go and won't unless he does, since he doesn't know the first thing about the medbay – he needs to rest. He's exhausted, maybe even more so now that he and Starkiller managed to untangle from each other... mostly. It was hard, but they did it.

Revan goes down first. Anakin and Starkiller exchange wary glances, neither of them terribly excited about this. It won't be pretty; Anakin knows that much. They ran off without telling the Council, not to mention it was completely unwarranted and borderline illegal. Finally, they walk down the ramp together.

Obi-Wan is standing just a few paces away. "Anakin, it is good to see you're alright." Well. Better than he was expecting. So far.

"I don't think 'alright' would be the correct term," Starkiller offers. "He might've been hit by a lightning bolt."

"Like you're one to talk," Anakin shoots back.

"You should have spoken to the Council before leaving," Obi-Wan admonishes.

"Please excuse us for being reluctant to speak to the people who cast me aside for being an inconvenience about the wellbeing of my little brother," Obi replies icily, moving forwards to stand beside them. "With Starkiller gone, there wasn't time to go through all their approval processes and debates."

"Nevertheless, it was extremely risky," Obi-Wan objects, and Anakin can't tell if he's annoyed about what happened or if he's being uncharacteristically protective for the first time in his life.

"A risk that had to be taken with the Sith having already captured Starkiller," Revan replies calmly.

"What happened?" inquires Obi-Wan.

"Dooku and Sidious were both there when we arrived," Anakin offers.

"We fought them. They're dead," Starkiller adds simply.

Obi-Wan blinks, and somehow manages to keep his expression almost entirely neutral. How does he do that? "I suppose that has some connection to why I've been hearing rumors about Dooku having a son no one heard about until now." Anakin doesn't even want to ask for details.

"Oh, it could be," Obi agrees.

"So... do you know who Sidious was?" Obi-Wan adds.

"Palpatine," Obi informs.

"Palpatine?!" he echoes incredulously, staring at her in shock.

"Yes," she confirms, "Dooku wasn't lying about there being a Sith in the Senate, you know."

"Yes, but..." he sighs. "Something about him seemed a little off from time to time, but we would never have expected something this drastic. The Council will likely want to speak with you, but first, I'm sure you could all use a trip to the healer's wing." For probably the first time in his life, Anakin doesn't even protest.


The healers have finished checking up on them when the door opens, Ani and Ahsoka running into the room. Ani runs to Starkiller. "Master!" Ahsoka exclaims, scurrying to Anakin's side.

"Hey, Snips."

"Are you okay?" she asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he answers immediately.

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