First Kiss

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You and Nate have to go undercover at prom to get back Sir Francis Drake's coins that had been stolen. You tried to hide yourselves since, obviously you aren't teenagers. You walked with Nate into the prom, he danced with you and then he noticed a man at the top of the stage with a gun pointed at you. He grabbed you and hid you on the floor, protecting you he had his back turned towards the gun, luckily you had one in your pocket, you shot the man ,and you got Sir Francis Drake's coin back too. Drake looked at you ,then kissed you ,it was the first romantic moment you had had.

You and Sam have been friends for a long time but it was hard for him to convince you too help him with something as dangerous as what he does. He begged you to help him find the hidden island. "Y/N ,please." He asked. "No Sam ,I've done this before and nothing in return and I cannot save you from them again I almost got killed when we found Francis Drake's coffin." Y/N stated angrily. "Okay..fine. I'm sorry I won't ask again." He said. "What time does the bus leave?" You asked him. "We're going by boat." Sam chuckled. "Okay well how long will it take to get there?" Y/N asked. "A week. Maybe two." Sam said. "Okay Sam meet me at the boat docks we have some stuff to talk about." Y/N said.
So Sam met her at the boat docks. You noticed him sitting on a bench as you arrived. "Y/N." He smiled. "Samuel Drake." Y/N said as she sat beside him. "Call me Sam." He said. "So what was it you needed to talk about?" He asked.
"Sam we've been friends since we were six.." Y/N said. "When you stole my watch." He said. "When I stole your watch. That was a long time ago I'm bot a thief like a was then. Okay I'm still a thief but I'm working on it." You chuckled. "Came to talked about theft and lust or are we gonna find Francis Drake's Treasure?" He asked. "Why are we so worried about the treasure?" Y/N asked. "Because when we find it I can be rich i won't have to steal or worry about anything anymore ,you won't have to steal." He said. "Y/N I want you to come with me ,we'll get out of town we'll go find the treasure. I'll protect you but I want you in this with me. I know you don't like helping in this kind of situations but just think about it." He said looking at you. You looked at him and kissed him ,he kissed you back. He smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said.

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