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It was a Monday morning ,you had just woken up and were going to call Nathan to see if he wanted to come hang out with you. "Hello?" He answered the phone. "Hey Nate. Umm sorry if you're busy." You said. "Never." He replied. "Do you have any plans for today i was thinking maybe you could come over ,we could play video games,watch movies." You said. "Yeah I'll be over in a minute." Nate said.
So Nate arrived with a bag of snacks for you guys to share. He sat the bag on the table and came and sat beside you on the couch. "Hey beautiful." He says before putting his arm around you. He turned the TV to some football. Nate loves football. "So did you ever find the map to,ya know?" You asked him. He told you to keep a secret about Sir Francis Drake's treasure. "Yeah me and Sam are going to head out at dawn tommorow morning so we can get an early shot and hopefully not get shot." He said. You laughed. You looked at him. "You know you can't come." He said. "But Nate going by yourself is suicide. "Sam's coming with me." He said. "Sam's not...he's more than just a drunk Y/N." Nathan said softly. "Yeah he also puts your life on the line and everyone else's, Sully's ,Elena's, Riley's! I mean does he want a life so good that he'll live it by himself!" You asked. "I don't know Y/N ,I mean I feel the guilt of putting his life on the line everyday. The treasure isn't just for him it's for us!" "Nate i don't need that treasure!" You said. "You're enough for me." You said. "I know C'mere." He said. "I love you." He said cradling you on the couch, then kissing your forehead.

Sam was a bit of a hothead but he does love you and will until his last breath. Well today you called him and asked him if he could meet you down at the boat docks where you also come. The surprise was a Job promotion but sam though that it was something else. There have been rumors going around about you cheating on him with Drake. Sam met you down at the boat docks, you could tell by his face that he was mad. He came closer to you. "So Sam." Riley smiled. He pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it with his lighter. "What?" He said. "Is something wrong?" Riley asked him. "Go ask Nate. You seem to care more about him." He said. "Sam i am not seeing Nate! You think I don't know about the rumors! I came down here to tell you that i got a promotion and that I can help you get things straightened out until you get back on your feet from the deployment!" Riley yelled. "Oh." Sam said. "Sam you are my Fiance!" "We're not fifteen anymore we don't steal because it makes us cool we need to start a real life Sam." Riley said. "We can find Francis Drake's treasure and we can come home we can have life,  Sam you can finally get what you deserve." Riley said. "Look at me." Riley said grabbing his face. "I'm sorry I love you babe." Sam said. He gave you a kiss and you went back home.

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