Exchange Students?!

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The Weasley's, Harry and Hermione were back at the burrow after the chaos at the Quidditch World Cup. Death Eaters had raided it and tormented people. And Harry's mind was reeling, first his nightmare and scar, now this.

What else could happen this year?

He would soon find out as the next day the trio and the Weasley's attending Hogwarts had gotten their letters. The trio opened their's, scanning through the letter looking for anything different from previous years. Mostly it was just the same, greeting them back into Hogwarts and the supply list. When Harry had gotten to the bottom his eyes went wide.

This year we will be accepting 3 exchange students into Hogwarts. They will be going into their fourth year and will be sorted on the first day after the first years. I expect all of you to treat them with kindness and respect as they are our guests.

Exchange students? As if reading Harry's thoughts Ron blurted out, "Exchange students?!" Hermione looked up from where her eyes were glued to the letter.

"Mione, has Hogwarts ever had exchange students?" Harry asked.

"Not that I'm aware of," Hermione answered with a puzzled expression, "though this could be exciting! They are in the same year as us!"

Harry wasn't so sure. With everything that had already happened before school even started and considering their track record in past years Harry didn't like the idea of new exchange students. Ron shared in his sentiment voicing his opinions out loud.

"Mione! They could be Death Eaters for all we know! First the attack at the World Cup and now mysterious exchange students, that can't be a coincidence!"

"Ronald it could very well be a coincidence. You can't judge someone before you even know them! Honestly, do you really think Dumbledore would allow Death Eaters in the school?!"

Hermione had a point. Harry didn't think the exchange students were good news but Dumbledore wouldn't have accepted them if there was any speculation of them being Death Eaters. Plus he hadn't even met them. It was rude to judge them so harshly.

"Ron Hermione's got a point. Dumbledore would never invite Death Eater's in the school and we haven't even met them, maybe we should wait before we pass judgments."

"Thank you Harry!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Fine, I still don't think we should trust them but you've got a point." Ron grumbled.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"I'm not saying you have to blindly trust them Ronald! But don't make assumptions before you've even met them."

"I think we can all agree that we can't judge them until we actually meet them?" Harry asked.


"Yeah whatever"

"Okay we can revisit this after we've actually met them." Harry decided. Hermione and Ron agreed and they all went up to Ron and Harry's room to talk about how they thought the school year would go. Ginny came and joined them sometime later and they talked into the night.

The next day

The Weasley's, Harry and Hermione we're at Diagon Alley, picking up the needed school supplies.

The trio had split away from the group, going to pick up all their supplies on their own. They finished quickly, Hermione being very efficient and keeping the boy's on track.

Harry and Ron were in the midst of trying to convince Hermione to get ice cream when they heard an interesting but strange female shout.

"What the Hades?!"

The trio turned toward the shout and found the source. Three teens about the same age as them were standing there. It seemed like they were arguing. All had the same black hair but they ranged in height from what the trio could see.

The trio also noticed the distinct american accent the one who shouted had. Hermione deduced that they were the exchange students. Dragging the boys over, Hermione decided to offer them some help.

When they got in hearing range Hermione spoke, "Hello, I noticed you looked a little lost. Would you like some help finding something?" 

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