Leo woman

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Leo women always hold their heads high, as if they don't care about the whole world. They don't admit failure and want to do everything perfectly. Although sometimes they are hot-tempered, they always look positive and full of vitality. With full energy, they usually know how to express themselves in front of people.

Leo women are passionate and sincere and carry with them infinite energy as a sign ruled by the Sun. ... They are also passionate, they are fun, and are very organized when it comes to doing things.

Leos, when at their worst, can become arrogant. Self-confident Leos aren't afraid to show that they love and value themselves and are proud of their gifts and abilities. But Leos are known for being "all-in" people...and when you go all-in on yourself, you can become egotistical.

Leos don't feel threatened by other people's success and are pretty secure and content with their lives. They only get jealous, when their loved ones, particularly their partner, don't pay attention to them and instead devote their energies to someone else. Virgos want to be the very best.

Leo women are known to be creative and dislike the status quo. Win her by loving what's unique about her style, and the way she lives. Treat her well and show up on time to show that you think she's really special, or be prepared for a reckoning! Don't give her fake compliments just for the sake of admiration.

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