01 31

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Riley swore she would get her revenge for everything the family didn't to her past Halloween and now it's here as she starts to decorate so nothing seems wrong

01 31

She is ready

Riley - they won't see it coming at all they think I forget all about the past Halloween but I didn't

The home was empty as the whole family all of them are in fact setting up for Halloween too just not like Riley is of course not they don't expect this especially not from Riley why would they in the first place and with Lucas picking out costumes with the boys

Lucas - what bout a fireman for Halloween

Landon and Zay look at him

Zay - I love you and cotton candy face and this is a baby makin costume 6 rucas babies beautiful babies

Lucas nods

Landon - they are adorable

Yes yes they are

Lucas - I wouldn't mind a 7th kid

He'd love it so much he loves being a daddy speaking of which

Rider - I don't know I can't find any damn thing I like

Alexa looks at him

Alexa - ri hey look at me

He wanted everything to be good for her it's their first Halloween together and he just wants it to be special like she is and he will stop at nothing to make it happen as much as possible he looks at her

Alexa - we have time it's only October 1st Ri talk to me

He stops

Rider - this is our first Halloween I want it to be nice special

She smiles at him

Alexa - it will be I got you don't I come on you are adorable  don't worry so much I'm here right here and I ain't goin no where alright I don't want too

He hides his face much like Riley right now

Rider - are you sure

Of course she is why wouldn't she be

Alexa - yes goofy I promise

Going for his shaky hands and with LJ and Gwen and the quints

Mallory - mama Angel please

Gwen picks her up in her arms

Gwen - OK baby

LJ looks at his baby

LJ - let's see it baby girl

Stiles found his

Stiles - daddy British like it

A little paramedics costume

Gwen - aww baby boy

Taking pictures

LJ - want it buddy

He did

Stiles - yeah


Nova - bunny mama daddy please

The quints know what they want

LJ and Gwen - it is cute

She nods

Sutton and Capri - princesses

They scram

LJ and Gwen - we have some adding to do

Meanwhile Hayden Emery and the girls are still looking for costumes

Hayden - everything is here

It is

The girls - OK what do we want

And with Riley as Erin came in

Erin -  sissy

Riley looks at her sister

Riley - sissy what are you

Looking at her

Erin - mommy in the hallway she watch me come in she had a extra key what you doing

Riley nods

Riley - OK and I'm going to get everybody back who scared me

She lit up

Erin - I help you please nobody scares my sissy ever

Riley smiles at her

Riley - OK sissy you help

Erin smiles it's time for revenge they think she didn't remember

31 A Friar-Matthews-Hunter-Moore-Friar Halloween By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now