02 Never Scare Sissy Part 1

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Riley looks at her sissy

02 Never Scare Sissy Part 1

She knew what she wanted to do and start with everybody else out right now

Riley - we are going to need more stuff sissy and we tell mommy we are going to get candy

Erin nods as Riley grabs her keys

Erin - Never Scare Sissy I don't care you never do it

They'll regret it by the end of all of this shit and by the time this is over Riley high fives her sister picking her up in her arms 

Riley - that's right I love you sissy let's go

Of course hugging her big sister

Erin - I love you too sissy

This is payback and they are all going to get it all the way

Riley - mm I know

They open the door to leave

Erin - I always help you

And with the family

The girls - we should try stuff on and see how we like it

They grab witch costumes as Aria's phone rings and more speaking of which

Hayden - mm maybe a warlock

Hayden picked it up himself immediately and with LJ and Gwen

LJ and Gwen - the accessories too huh

Of Course they do the cute not they want them so much so bad

Sutton and Capri - please

It is for Halloween after all

LJ and Gwen - it is our first family Halloween

Yes yes it is

Nova - mm mm

They are right it is and it should be special and memorable for all of them why not

Stiles - gotta be nice

It will be

LJ - you really like her baby boy

He smiles at his daddy

Gwen - hold up now wait a minute he is still and will forever be my baby

Picking him up and kissing his head

Stiles - love you mama even when I grew up

Kissing her forehead sweetly

LJ - don't worry baby

How can she just not worry

Gwen - I'm his mama it's my god givin right puddin I gave birth to him my babies

Looking at them

Mallory - aww mama it's OK

And with Rider and Alexa

Alexa - don't overthink shit OK

This is one of the times he can't help it and he knew it No matter what 

Rider - it's not important to you

Now she never said that at all

Alexa - you know I never said that I just want you to chill out don't put words in my mouth that we know that I didn't say to you myself cause I damn well didn't you need to chill I'll be back

She looks at him how do he think that

Rider - shit

He knows that she is pissed off at him because of this

Alexa - I like you but this is what we not gon do

She just wanted him to see they have time and not to be worked up

Alexa - I don't know who you think I am but I don't like it right here

She walks away from him

Rider - Alexa I know you care I did mean

But he knows this is not the end of it  meanwhile Shawn and Angela are looking Chris and Daisy are looking even though Chris looks over his shoulder on Halloween  he can feel  along with Auggie and Laurel and the kids and with Lucas

Lucas - Riley will be OK

OK yeah OK

Landon - mm

If you say so

Zay - Rider won't be

Zay saw him

Lucas - what ri hey what happened come here 

He didn't know meanwhile Riley went shopping

Riley - they won't do it again

No No they won't

31 A Friar-Matthews-Hunter-Moore-Friar Halloween By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now