Chapter 2-The Blaze

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Deku arrived on the scene, ready to help all the people trapped inside the burning building. Before he did, he came across a woman limping out while clenching her side and ran over to check on her.
"Are you alright?" He asked her.
"Yes. I-I'm fine, but there are still people trapped in there." She replied, panicking.
"Don't worry. I'll help them. Just get to a safe place and call for help." Deku told her. The woman did what Izuku said and he rushed in to help anyone he could find.

'This place seems to be some sort of apartment complex, and judging by the size of it, I'd estimate hundreds of people are living here.' A pile of rubble fell and almost crushed Deku and he rolled out of the way.
'That was close.'
"Help! Someone!" Deku heard a man shouting.
"I'm coming!" He shouted in response. 'It doesn't seem like any Pros or firefighters have arrived yet. That means I'm on my own for a while.' Deku found the man he heard crouching next to a pile of debris and made his way to him.

"Are you hurt Sir?" He asked.
"No, I'm fine, but my friend over there was knocked out by rubble and his leg is pinned underneath!" Deku looked to his right and saw an unconscious person lying underneath some rubble.
"Okay, I'll get him out! Stay close to me!" Deku ran over to the man and got ready to lift the column that was trapping his leg.
"Listen to me!" He told the man. "Drag your friend out when I tell you to! Alright?"
"Ok. I can do that." The man replied.

'One For All: Full Cowling!' After powering up, Deku started lifting the debris off of the man trapped underneath until there was a large gap between him and the pillar.
"Okay. Now-" Even more rubble fell on top and forced the lifted column back down, almost crushing Izuku's arms.
"Ah! Are you alright?!" The scared man asked.
"I-I-I'm okay." Deku replied and looked at him with a smile on his face. "And don't worry. Your friend will be just fine. I promise." He then shifted his attention back to the debris.

'Come on! I can do this!' He started channelling more of his power through his body. 'One For All: 8%!' He was able to lift the pillar enough to get the man out.
"Now! Get him out!" The man immediately grabbed his friend and dragged him out. Izuku then dropped the debris and got out of its way, panting heavily.
"Is- *pant* Is your friend alright?" Deku asked.
"Yes, he is! Thank you!" The man replied, tears in his eyes.
"Great!" Deku then looked back the way he came. "If you go that way, you'll reach the exit. Take your friend that way and you'll both be safe."
"I will. Thanks a lot, kid." He replied and took off with his friend on his back.

"Help! Please!" Deku heard the voice of a little girl and raced to help her. He soon found the girl curled up in a corner and went over to her. She had long brown hair and was wearing overalls.
"Hey. Are you hurt?" He asked the girl, but she was too afraid to answer or even look up. "Hey, hey. You're okay now. I am here." He talked softly, and with a smile. The little girl, who was no older than Eri looked up with tears in her eyes big, blue eyes.
"Hi." She whispered shaking "Please, help me." She held her arms out, indicating she wanted Deku to pick her up, which he did.
"Don't worry. You're gonna be fine. I promise you that." He said to the girl while smiling. She didn't reply, instead, she held Deku even tighter.

Deku ran as fast as he could back outside the building with the child in his arms, avoiding the burning rubble of death until he saw the Pro Hero Death Arms entering the building.
"Hey! Over here!" Deku called to him. Death Arms heard and shouted as soon as he saw him.
"Hey! A kid shouldn't be in here! Get out now!"
"I'm sorry! But I saw the fire and had to help!" Deku ran past him with the girl.

He got out and put the child down. The fire department and Pro Hero Backdraft were on the scene extinguishing fires.
"There. You're safe now." He said to her.
"Thank you." She said timidly.
"Tsuki!" A boy Deku's age shouted and ran up to the girl.
"Big brother!" She shouted back and hugged her brother, both with tears in their eyes. Deku smiled at the sight but turned back towards the fire and ran back inside.
'I have to keep going. There are people who still need my help!'

My Hero Academia Book #1: Whatever It TakesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora