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College life is hell. First, it pressures. Second, the courses are difficult. Third, full of disappointment. Fourth, it is costly. Lastly, it took your privilege to have a straight 10 hours of sleep and chill.

I complain too much but here I am on the last step and finally can hold a degree, haha, one last kick and I can wear that dream black gown. Yey, I'm proud of myself 'cause nobody else does. It hurts but I'm used to it.

My phone buzz dragging myself back to reality. I searched it and powered on. Nothing surprising it's just GCs that's keep bothering.

Falls Squad ;)

Hyden: How y'all doin'?

Ali: House is boring, hang out?

Sanja: Nah, I'm fine in my room.

Ali: C'mon ja, just once.

Hyden: I'd better sleep to that idea, haha.

Sanja: It's lockdown, honey.

Ali: How about you Tina?

Tina: Haha, I'm all good here. Google's been friendly today so I'm searching some sources for my upcoming report.

Sanja: That's my girl!

Tina: Ja, I'm not yours and will never be, haha.

Hyden: Really? I thought you were sleeping and dreaming about heartaches and pains.

Ali: So mean, haha. Ouch, ja, are you okay there? Im supposing that you're imagining things that couldn't happen in real life.

Sanja: Stop it, Ali! I'm anticipating of you daydreaming, as always.

Tina: Gtg, stop bothering me, okay?

Hyden: Enjoy, babe :) Cry it out.

Ali: Fight, love! Shout all the pain.

Sanja: You can do that, baby ;) Hurt your self more. Haha.

Tina: I'm sleeping, Hyden's right. So please have some respect. Bye.

These girls knows my talents. I excell in making things complicated. I'm good in lying to everyone. I'm better in crying and hurting myself.

One time, I try to kill myself in the bathroom, luckily Hyden knock the door and reported it to the police. I don't know what she eats in breakfast that make her think to call the police and reported what heppened.

Speaking of report, I have to make powerpoint for the discussion. Argh, I have to sacrifice hours of sleep again because of this and then only gets 2.00 grade, I deserve it. Maybe.

I've been like this for almost four years now, bitter. The past relationship is unhealthy, it made me sick -no, not really 'cause I love the person I am with.

Love is blind, sometimes it's true but mostly it's not. How come you can be blind when it comes to love while you see the person's worth and value? They say it goes blind when you doesn't care about the mistakes they've done, no, you literally see it but you chose to understand than to leave. You love that person and it ties that you will understand him/her, acceptance is all that matters.

Whatever, I don't want to feel that love again. I don't want to feel any excitement to my opposite sex again. I'm fine being single. It's fun. Less stress.

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