Chapter 3: Fear

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Feeling something wet on my face, I couldn't help but smirk as I laid back in pure bliss knowing I had managed amongst the chaos to finally get to sleep and was now having a fucking amazing dream.

Sighing in complete content, I went to reach up to the mystery girl who was making a move on me expecting to feel her soft skin, but instead I was met with fluff.

Oh shit.

Opening my eyes to the gentle rays of a sunrise, I was met face to face with the only girl I'd ever love.

"Morning baby".

Rubbing my thumb under Clara's chin, I couldn't help but smile as she arched her body and began to purr loudly.

With her earthy eyes shut in bliss, she laid down on my bare chest and nuzzled her nose against my hot skin before settling down after getting herself comfortable.

"If only I could lay in bed all day with my favourite girl, but I fucked up last night"

Clara looked up from my chest and mewled loudly whilst nuzzling her nose on my jaw.

"At least you're not mad at me" I smirked as Clara began licking my fingers.

"Come on, let's get my favourite girl some food".

Scooping Clara up with one arm, I threw my duvet back and reluctantly kicked my legs out of bed.

Picking up my phone, I switched the screen on to see several messages from Rob who had clearly been drinking during the night and of course, another 5 messages from Ruby who was desperate for some attention.

Not in the mood to be bothered today, I left my phone on my bedside table and left the comfort of my bedroom to start the day.

With my cat in my arms, I walked through the dark quiet hallways and stepped into the kitchen to get my girl breakfast.

Thankfully I was up so early that no staff were in sight. But it came at a disadvantage because I couldn't cook for shit. I never stepped foot in a kitchen. It wasn't a place for a man, let alone a man who ruled a fucking empire.

"Oh, good morning boss".

Turning around, I watched Elizabeth walk in with a gentle smile on her face.

Elizabeth had been working as a maid for my family since I was a little boy and despite her being past the retirement age, she refused to leave. But every time I'd try to ask why, she'd smile and pinch my cheek before going to cook or clean.

"You're up early, you want something to eat?" she asked as she grabbed the jug from the coffee maker.

"My usual and the"-

"-the very best for Clara, of course. Sit, I will make it".

Elizabeth gestured for me to sit at a stool with her usual non judgemental smile, but I shook my head and turned my back on her.

"I can't. Business" I muttered dismissively before grabbing the mug of coffee from her hand.

"Alright, I'll bring this up to your office" she smiled, but sadness could be seen behind her smile.

Scooping Clara up who was playing with the bag of flour, I carried her out of the kitchen and back up the stairs ready to make plans after my new and rather reckless actions.

But as I reached the top of the stairs, I stopped by an open door where the girl had slept last night and saw the bed disarrayed and empty.


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