Maysmilue and a Battle for Freedom

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Crying. That's the first thing I remember. There was crying, it sounded so sad, and I could hear rain, then it was dark.


I shot up panting, I looked around but I saw no one crying. It confused me, where had the crying come from?

"Lue, are you okay you are sweating?" My second, Rizzy, asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, jus-just a strange dream." I say while I wipe the sweat from my brow.

"What was it about?" Rizzy questions.

"I'm not really sure all I know is that someone was crying and it was raining." I responded while I got up and ready for the day. When I was done we left for headquarters.


When we arrived at headquarters we headed to the observation room. When I opened the door I was met with a loud shout of "CAPTAIN!!". "Bayler, reaport, I can see that you need to say something."

"Captain, we just got reports of a rocket ship full of explosives that's due to hit us in 3 days!" Bayler urgently says.

"Do we know where it came from?" I say with my voice raised while trying to stay calm.

"Not yet, but we have an idea!" Cheals says with the start of a smirk on her freckled face.

"Good, now get me up to speed." I say with a proud smirk on my face. After I got all caught up we began to strategize how we are going to win this war we were stuck in. I was just about to call for lunch when an alarm blared through the air. "STATUS REPORT, RIZZY, what is causing the alarm to go off?!" I yell to my squad.

"It's the defence line, the Gaellens broke through and are almost on us!" Rizzy rushed out.

It was at this moment that I remembered an old tale I was once told... There was once a wizard who lived past the north mountains and through the dark forest . If you were brave enough to make it to his dwelling place he would ask you a riddle, if you answered it correctly he would lead you on a journey to the portal guard, the mighty dragon. As it is a perilous journey many don't make it all the way there, as you go there will be many tests to make sure you are worthy, but if you make it to the mighty dragon's cave you will have proven yourself and the entrance of the portal will open to you. It was this legend that gave me hope that we would win this war for peace.

"I have a plan!" I said vigorously.

"What's the plan?" Rizzy asks.

"I am going to follow that old legend to journey to the past and find a way to end this war!" I announce with a shining hope.

"You mean the one with the wizard and dragon? How do you know that it's real?!" Bayler questioned.

"I don't, that is why I am going and not sending anyone else. I will not force any of you to out your life on the line for something that I am not sure is even true, but I believe it is and will journey to the wizard's dwelling myself" I say as I pack some essentials I will need for the journey. "Rizzy, Bayler, you're in charge." I say on the way out. I ran to my room and packed the rest of the things I needed. When I was done I went to the stables and mounted my stallion, Blue, and rode off towards the north mountains.

I passed many places on my way there. Many of the places were in ruin due to the war but I could tell that these places were once beautiful and full of life. They would have been lovely places when they were thriving.

The way up the north mountains was steep and dangerous but we prevailed. By the time Blue and I made it over the mountains we were exhausted, so I made camp for the night so I could rest and Blue could recuperate from the hard climb. By morning light we were off to the dark forest, a mysterious place where no one had ever returned from, so not much was known about it. The dark forest ended up holding to the name, it was very dark, so dark one could barely see without a torch even in the day. It was also muddy, which other than the roots that might trip you in the dark, was the worst of it. When we made it out of the forest I was in awe of the beautiful cottage and waterfall that greeted us. It looked as if it was glowing, which it might have been, but it was the loveliest place I had seen in a while. I walked up to the door and knocked. What greeted me was a man in long flowing robes.

"Hello young brave one. Welcome to my dwelling. I assume you are here for a guide to the portal guard?" The wizard spoke.

"Yes oh wise one, I am Maysmilue, but please call me Lue. I am here seeking the dragon that guards the porta; to the past in hope of finding a way to win this war." I say as I bow my head.

"Very well but you must answer my riddle." He paused to think for a minute. "You can touch me, but I can't touch you back. You can see me, But I only reflect you and can never reject you. What am I?" He finished.

I can touch it but it can;t touch me back? I can see it, but it can only reflect me, but can never reject me? Isn't that- no it can't... well one way to find out.

"A-a mirror?" I said while I prayed I was correct.

"Correct, now we must be on our way as we are running out of time." He urged. What does he mean.

There were many challenges along the way, as well as many tests ranging from tests of bravery, strength, intelligence, to kindness and compassion.

When we reached our destination we were met with a large cave guarded by a mighty dragon.

"Hello human, you have done well to get this far, but answer me this, would you sacrifice yourself to end this war and give peace to all that inhabit these lands?" The dragon roared.

"Without a doubt in my mind, I would do it again and again if it meant everyone would have peace and this endless war would be over." I confidently state.

"Very well, you may continue." The dragon states as they move aside. After making sure this wasn't just another test I continue with little trepidation, but as soon as I pass the threshold of the portal to time travel my world goes dark.


"Beep Beep beebeep" there was a sudden rushing of footsteps. As I slowly open my

"Ugh, wha-" I groaned, but then all of a sudden there was a rush of footsteps as a monitor beeped in a fast paced beeping.

"Page the doctor, the comatose patient in room 502 has woken up!"

To be continued? (THE END)

1181 words

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