Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Han Ryeowook was only seventeen years old when she’s been involved in a kidnapping incident. She was waiting for her driver to fetch her in her school when a group of men wearing a mask kidnaps her. She’s not with her bodyguards at that time. Knowing that she came from a wealthy family and she’s the granddaughter of the former Prime Minister of Korea, the kidnapers ask her family for bigger ransom.

“Let go of me! Please let me go home!”

Ryeowook start to cry. She feels so nervous and scared at that time. She doesn’t know what to do. The kidnapers hide her inside an old warehouse. They tied her on a chair. They tied her hands and feet and locked her alone inside the old warehouse

“Mom! Dad!”

She screams, but nobody heard her. Ryeowook just drop her head and continue to cry

It was eight in the evening. Jongwoon was driving his car happily while singing along with the rock music that he’s listening inside his car. His car suddenly stops

“Ok, flat tire”

He sighs and went out. He felt so scared because it was dark; there were streetlamps but only few. He starts changing his tire and when he’s done he went inside his car. He was sitting inside when he thinks of a weird thing to do, since he brings his camera with him, Jongwoon decided to haunt for a ghost. So, he went out of his car and wander around. He was busy walking when he heard a loud shout


A girl screaming for a help; Jongwoon smile and follows the voice. He saw an old warehouse but the problem is, he doesn’t know how to get inside because it is locked. He was standing outside for about fifteen minutes when he saw a window

“Aha! Lucky you Kim Jongwoon”

He smiles brightly. He saw a stool. He steps there in order to climb up the window. Ryeowook heard a noise, someone is inside the warehouse


Jongwoon stand up and rub his back

“That hurts”

He saw a girl that was tied on the chair while crying

“Please help me”

I WAS BORN FOR YOU (Sequel of It's You)Where stories live. Discover now