Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Hankyung and Heechul were staring at their daughter with worried face. They feel so sad for what happen between her and Jongwoon


Heechul sit beside Ryeowook who is lying on her bed, hugging a pillow

“Please talk to us”

“Just leave me alone”

Heechul stares at her husband sadly. Hankyung sigh

“Wookie, we’re worried about you. Don’t be like this. We already don’t know what to do”

“Leave me alone”


Hankyung raises his voice because of anger. He can’t control his temper anymore


Hankyung stares at Heechul seriously. Heechul shut her mouth and bows her head, avoiding her husband’s serious glare

“Why are you being so selfish? You only think about yourself! For heaven’s sake, Wookie, you’re pregnant. But what the hell are you doing to yourself? You don’t even eat and you just keep on crying all the time. Are you not concern to the baby inside your womb? Stop being selfish and think about the child. That baby is your child, so please stop being like that”

Ryeowook’s tears start falling from her eyes. She sits on her bed and hugs her mother tight

“I don’t know what to do. I hurt him so bad. I hurt the man I love because I’m stupid. I don’t know and I can’t understand why I am still confused. Mom, I pushed the man I love. The man who loves me so much. I really don’t know what to do now”

Ryeowook cries on her mother’s arms

“Darling, we can never deny it. It’s your fault and we’re very disappointed for what you did. You throw a very good man away from your life”

“I can never bring him back anymore”

Heechul strokes her daughter’s hair gently. She stares at her husband sadly

“Honey, please help me. I don’t know what to do”

Hankyung sits beside his daughter. He starts patting her back gently

“Baby, nobody is perfect. We often commit mistakes and that’s how we learn”

“But dad I made a stupid mistake and there’s nothing that I can do to correct everything”

I WAS BORN FOR YOU (Sequel of It's You)Where stories live. Discover now