Let's Get Digital Part 1

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Normal world - the one they are in
Alternate world - the one they are watching

Warnings: Possible food sins, and Mentions of Depression/Depressed Characters.

(AN: Just so all of you know, there will be other digimon based stories in this simply because digimon is one of my favorite franchises, if not my absolute favorite but Skylanders is hard to beat in my heart.)


A week had past since the first time everyone had seen the other worlds the device had shown them and everyone in class 1A had gotten up early, most of them wanted to see what the device will show them this week, others already had plans for the weekend and were preparing for it.

"I AM SO HYPED!" Mina yelled as she skipped towards the common room.

"I know right, we may not have seen much, but what we did see makes me excited for the possibilities." Sero replied.

"Plus now we know that Midori's school needs to be burned to the ground." Toru stated joyfully, with an almost sadistic tone in her voice.

Everyone who heard what Toru said silently agreed with her to varying degrees, even Iida couldn't help but agree. "While I agree with the statement it isn't something we should actively do. I think that exposing the school for its quirkiest behavior would be a far sweeter revenge as the staff will not be able to harm anyone else if they are unable to teach." Iida said. Everyone looked at Iida before he explained himself, "Remember, Midoriya was a late bloom and everyone thought he was quirkless, including himself. If we take that into account I can only assume that his school life was similar, if not worse then what we saw on the screen last week." He explained. The expressions on everyone's faces shifted from shock to understanding and anger. Izuku had left a mark on almost all of his classmates, and they will be damned if Izuku's former tormentors got away scot free.

Once everyone entered the common room they could smell food cooking, out of curiosity they all started to head towards the kitchen. Once they reached the dining room they saw that there was a variety of different breakfast foods played out on the table, each one in a spot that everybody normally sits at. They looked confused until they noticed that they each had their favorite breakfast food on the table.

Several of the people there rushed to their seats, consciences be damned.

Mina was the first to get to her seat since she looked almost like a pink blur as she ran. Once she started eating her fruit salad she began to vibrate ever so slightly, who ever made this chose all of the right fruits, and even added a sauce that was sweet yet balanced all the flavors perfectly. It took a while for her to take her second bite, a sine of approval that the food was infact good.

Sero was next as he started to dig into his meal. It consisted of three pancakes with slight chocolate drizzling covering each individual pancake beside it on a separate, smaller plate were several slices of crispy peameal bacon (or Canadian bacon as the rest of the world calls it), beside the bacon was a small container of sweet and sour sauce. Sero couldn't help but pace himself while he ate, normally he would be one of the first to finish the food they were eating so seeing him pace himself meant he either really liked the kind of food he was eating or the food was just that good.

Next up was surprisingly Momo, she drooled ever so slightly as she looked at her food. In front of her was a burger made with most of the usual stuff, there was lettuce, cheese, onions, and the burger patty, but that was all the similarities it had to a normal burger. The chef had also put some strips of bacon and peameal bacon on it, along with the bacon there was melted mozzarella cheese and a few fries for good measure. No one fully understood why Momo liked the burger so much, but they didn't really ask either.

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