Adrien's talk with Marinette

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During passing time, Marinette put her chemistry textbook in her locker and she got her French-English textbook and notebook.

Marinette: Okay. So for today, yes homework for Miss Bustier, no assignment for Ms. Mendeleiev, and one for Mr. Panama. I have 3 more classes left and after-school tutoring. *She closed her locker and what she didn't know was Adrien was next to her. *

Adrien: Marinette?

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Adrien: Marinette?

Marinette: Yes, Adrien?

Adrien: Listen, I wanna say I'm sorry that I rejected you when you said you were in love with me and I didn't see that from you.

Marinette: It's alright, Adrien. You were in your little fantasy with this "mysterious" girl you're in love with. Anyway, it's all in the past. I forgot all about it. *She walks to her next class and Adrien follows her. *

Adrien: I know, but I need your advice on something.

Marinette: About what?

Adrien: How do you handle being rejected? *They stopped at a drink machine, Marinette went in her purse, and got some money for bottled water. *

Marinette: (opening her purse) Why? Did she reject you?

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Marinette: (opening her purse) Why? Did she reject you?

Adrien: You... could say that.

Marinette: (putting a quarter in the machine and pressing the button) Well the best way to get over rejection is the seven stages of grief. *She gets her bottled water and Adrien gets bottled water too. *

Adrien: Seven Stages of Grief

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Adrien: Seven Stages of Grief. What are they?

Marinette: Well... *They sit down on a bench and she gets her notebook and a pencil, she writes down the first stage. * Stage 1 is shock and denial.

Adrien: Shock and denial?

Marinette: It's a state of disbelief and numbed feelings. You'd be surprised at first and in straight-up denial.

Adrien: Okay. What's the next step?

Marinette: Stage 2: Pain and guilt. You'll feel hurt and you'll probably make other people's lives harder because of your feelings after being rejected.

Adrien: That can happen?

Marinette: Yeah.

Adrien: Okay. What's the next step?

Marinette: Stage 3: Anger and bargaining. You'll start lashing out at people because you're hurt. Then bargaining, you'll probably ask for extra portions.

Adrien: Hopefully that won't happen.

Marinette: Then stage 4: Depression. You'll feel all sad and moody, not sure how long it'll last to be all depressed.

Adrien: Okay. What's stage 5?

Marinette: The upward turn, when the anger and pain die down, you'll start to feel all calm and relaxed like nothing happened.

Adrien: Hmm. The upward turn. Okay.

Marinette: Then comes stage 6. You'll go through the reconstruction page. You start picking yourself up and slowly recover and work ahead of yourself.

Adrien: Okay. What's the last stage?

Marinette: The final stage is acceptance and hope. You'll feel a new possibility to find new love in your life once you accept that your previous life is out of your way.

Adrien: Thanks, Marinette. I needed that advice.

Marinette: Happy to help

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Marinette: Happy to help. Hopefully, it'll work out with who you decide to be with. *She got up and walked to her next class, Adrien watched her walk away, and he grinned at her. *

Plagg: Well that was helpful of her to help you.

Adrien: It was. I'm glad Marinette understands this kind of stuff.

Plagg: Because you rejected her when she confessed to you.

Plagg: Because you rejected her when she confessed to you

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Adrien: Yeah. I can't imagine a better friend than her. *He looked at the time on his phone. * I'm gonna be late. *He gets his backpack and walks to his next class. *

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