chapter 6

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"You hungry?" I asked her

she nodded in reply. We went to a diner because we were too tired to find any mcdonalds or any fast food chain. We ordered then ate.

"Can you take me to my studio?" she asked us.

"What kind of studio?" Ghost asked while drinking his coffee.

"It was my apartment before but since max asked me to move in i made it my art studio." She said while finishing her bacon.

"So max knows where it is?" Chris asked confused

"Nope he never knew where i lived before because he would get me from school or meet me somewhere." She explained

We finished our coffee and food then headed to where her studio was. She took her key from her pocket then unlocked the door. The scent of paint and cigarette hit my nose as we entered. It was not huge nor too small. Its too big for her if she was alone but just right when 4 or 3 people were in. Her paintings and posters hang on the walls. Her architecture stuff are at the drawer on one side and her painting stuff on the other. It was cluttered but not disgusting.

"You painted this?" Ghost asked pointing to a small canvas with a girl with black eyes and has bones as her body rather than skin and muscles. Blood also dripping from eyes. She nodded in reply then smiled she placed her stuff on a drawer and other her school stuff on her drafting table.

"Can i have it?" Ghost asked

"Im planning on selling that piece though" she said while picking up the clutter on her sofa.

"I'll trade you a worn doll shirt" ghost said which made her grin

"Deal!!" She said and handed her hand which ghost shook.

"Thanks" he then said.

"Your welcome glad you liked it" she smiled at him. They continued on talking while i was roaming around then went upstairs. She had more canvas here with paintings. There were piles of books on top of her bed so i guessed this was her bedroom. It wasn't private at all. There were no doors or walls to cover it all up. Her bed was near at a railing which was the only thing that could prevent her from falling down the ground floor. Chris followed me upstairs.

"Damn she's one talented gal" he said.

"Yeah." I said while looking at some of her paintings.

I took one canvas and flipped it over. It was a beautiful piece. It was her. She was smoking a cigarette while looking down and had flowers on her hair, it was all black and white but the smoke she was blowing were colorful, it had stuff like candies,rainbows and small unicorns. I smiled and went to the railing. I looked down to see her laughing and ghost with her.

"Hey lil?" I called her loud enough to let her hear me.

"Yeah?" She looked up smiling

"Can i have this?" I showed her the painting i was holding.

"You like that?" She asked

"Yeah." I said.

"Ok" she said then smiled.

"Thanks" i said then headed downstairs chris was already down stairs.

"Since your giving us paintings can i have this?" Chris asked holding a canvas with an eye with maggots inside its pupils and the skin around the eyes were ripped out. The eye was hers i knew it because i stare at her eyes always.

"Fine. But you buy me starbucks" she said.

chris nodded "Cool. Thanks" he said.

"I thought your studying architecture?" Chris asked

"I am." She said then lit her cigarette.

"So why do you paint a lot?" Chris asked her

"I dunno. I just like to paint. It keeps me away from the bullshit they call the world" she replied.

She took a drag. "I guess thats where i express the shit i always go through. Ya know? I paint instead of cutting myself or drink my ass off" she said then took a drag of her cigarette then blew the smoke.

I looked at how peaceful she was. "So you never cut yourself?" Chris asked.

"Nope. Look" she showed us her arms

"Thats good to know." I said. She smiled and took a drag of cigarette.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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