Chapter 1: The Enemy's Spy

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As the surroundings began soaking in sunlight, the sound of several tires halting against the concrete road could be heard quietly. This was followed by an opening of a door and a hard stomp on the gravel. The man dragged his feet while his cane stabilized his posture as his secretary followed suit with a case firmly gripped in his hand.
"Sh" -a low curse erupted from his mouth when his foot was stuck at the lower step and he's having a huge trouble lifting it.
"Stairs," he grunted.
His leg wasn't always like this, this was a small price he had to pay for his life.


"Han Chul-moo!"
A man with a dark glower and a plump figure spoke, facing the mangled body. Wiping the blood off his glasses, he smirked before giving the men there a silent command.

"Ugh!" A loud shriek echoed inside the metallic containment as the soldiers mercilessly hit the already beaten guy.

"You said you'd take care of them," the malicious voice rang with contempt.

Gasping, the lean battered shape on the floor tilted a weak head before gurgling an apology.

"I thought you wanted this? If you keep on disappointing me we can end this right here."

The tortured male then raised his trembling hands, rubbing them together,
"One." He begged hoarsely.
"One more chance, eternal leader."

The memory left him in shudders before relief brightened his features at the sight of the elevator.

"Deputy Prime Minister Han Chul-moo. You're early," the Prime Minister's secretary greeted with a bow.

"Can't be too prepared for the conference later," he quipped smiling softly.
Whoever sees him right now will not mistake his gentleness but the moment the lady disappeared the scowl relapsed on his harsh visage.

Entering the spacious lounge reserved for when they're early for a meeting, he waits for his coffee while he stood near the window overlooking the grounds where in the far edge he could see the President's residence. Clenching the metal head of his cane he could feel his scent permeating the room. His glare pierced through the glass down to the fluttering mahogany hair and the alpha that assisted the omega.
"Park Jisung," he murmured with gritted teeth, his tongue swirling inside his sour mouth.

"It was not enough that he had slit those North Korean throats for show, not even when he orchestrated the lad's transfer to Busan. What resilience."
The corners of his lips twitched, his fingertips brushing on the jagged edges of the jackal head.

A young man with a blank expression then quietly entered with his sleeve covering his nose. The heavy scent of sultry leather with a tinge of bitter molasses was too much for him. He was not affected by it but it did not make breathing any easier. Placing the tray with the hot pot of coffee and a cup on the table, he lowered down his arm and faced his boss.

"Taeyong, what took you so long?" Han Chul-moo tonelessly asked.

"Forgive me, I was on the phone sir. The eternal leader is waiting," he bowed.


"Darling?" Jisung asked with his hand around the smaller's waist helping him walk since he cannot quite stand by himself yet. He made a subtle frown when he felt him tense so suddenly.

"N-Nothing," he smiled.
"It's just I feel like somebody's watching us," closing his eyes he coiled into his husband's arms.

The taller tightened his hold around Chenle while he scanned his eyes at a distance. He can see the people on the main building but there's nobody watching them at the moment.
"Let's go. The kids are waiting," his gaze went back to the car and landed at Huijae who's driving.

The younger dismissed the concern for now but hours later when he was headed to the Sejong Room for the cabinet meeting he received an encrypted message from Chenle.

"The children wants to read red riding hood and the big bad wolf," it said. It's not an immense cause of alarm but he's made aware that somebody is stalking his family. Leaving a reply he told his secretary to call the school for him.

The omega waited by the phone whilst keeping an eye on the kids. He is now standing inside the preschool premises near the glass window pacing back and forth while glancing at the phone on the wall from time to time. His backside is still hurting not to mention his wobbly legs but seeing a masked a man looking directly at him when he was inside the car made him felt that sweeping dread he sensed earlier this morning. Outside the tiny school was a car he had never seen before. After asking the faculty earlier, he was only given the unfortunate answer that nobody knew to whom it belongs. He was about to shrug it off when he witnessed the suspicious character going out of a vehicle to check their car and that of their two escorts again.

When the phone finally rang he almost jumped in surprise calling him back from the depths of his worries.

Listening to his husband's reply, he gathered his courage to speak to one of their accompanying guards nearby and asked that their cars be moved to the back which has limited access. Quickly gathering the kids while giving a justified excuse to Haechan, they then rushed towards the car. As they drove off to a secret shortcut that delves into a private property owned by Jaemin's family, he contemplated whether to continue sending them to preschool or not. After all, they did choose the school because the kids love it there even though the safety is not as ideally heightened.

Sighing he thought, "I do not wish to scare the other parents either." Gnawing at his bottom lip he carefully placed his arms around the tiny ones, hugging them securely.


"What took you so long?" Han Chul-moo scrutinized his secretary the moment he exited the building after the assembly was adjourned.

Rolling his eyes in annoyance, he did not wait for the answer and just hopped inside.

During the ride, he absentmindedly watches the urban scenery gradually transforming into scanty houses to rough slopes and secluded woods. It was mind numbingly boring for his taste. Almost an hour had passed when they finally parked at a spot of earth that was clearly squashed a couple of times.

The late middle-aged man complained again when he stepped out into the damned uneven trail. His leg is not only killing him but adding insult to injury, this part of the flimsy forest is unshielded from the obtrusive sun. Huffing, sweating, shaking and plodding along the rough path he kept snarling curses in the quiet forest while in contrast his secretary merely followed behind without uttering a single word, still carrying the black case.

When a military jeep is now in view, he quickly put on a mask and straightened himself, wiping the evidences on his forehead with a white handkerchief.

"Did you bring it?" A soldier with a sandy complexion, bushy pairs for eyebrows and a scar across his jaw demanded crudely.

Laughing shrilly as though amused at the cocky query, Han Chul-moo ended with a spiteful sneer,
"Do not talk to me in that tone young man. I have killed your kind before, I can do it again."

"Sh" -the arrogant guy reached for his rifle but before he can even touch the weapon, scalding pain blazed up from his thighs, the cane powerfully thwacking to bring him to his knees. Humiliated, he started raising his firearm when a domineering roar interrupted.

"Yah! I suggest you stop that, stupid," the tall man revealed himself from the vehicle speaking in a fluent Seoul accent.

"Hurry," he turned towards the two expected guests dragging his fellow soldier back to the jeep without even giving him time to pick himself up.

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