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I suppose there are two types of tired

One, a dire need of rest

And the other

A dire need of peace

For I never knew

I never fathomed

That grief feels so like fear

But your diamond eyes

Make me feel at home

Even if I know that I cannot turn people into homes 

Most of the times

I keep my feelings to myself

Because no earthly language

No finite, human signature

Can possibly describe them

I cannot make everyone feel and think as I do

Because my life is mine

It is my tragedy

No ... my legacy

Because I understand them

And they do not understand me

Even if I would like to spend all of my life with you

Even if I would enjoy laughing with you forever

I would also relish in crying

And fear gripping sobs

And comforting silence

And nights that dwell in ending quietness

Because I know

That I cannot turn people into homes

For I would rather be with the Gods

Rather, be with Gods as they made me

For that is the most beautiful thing

that could be possessed in all of thinking.

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