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WC = 3538
You sat on your bed reading a book. Your twin, will, was at mikes house.

You and mike are best friends . Ever sense the first day of kindergarten he asked you and will if you wanted to be friends. And that is where it started.

You would have gone but you didn't feel good so you stayed home. You were waiting for will to get home but you were exhausted so going to bed was not only the best option but the only option. You had read almost every book in the house, cleaned every sing inch of your room, and done everything that You could possibly do to study for the test that you had the next day in advanced social study's.

All You could do was wait for mikes call. Every night at 8:35 his mom would let him call you. He would just talk to you about the campaign and just stuff that happened that day.

He had been doing it ever since 4th grade. And the only times that he didn't call was when he was mad at you (almost never because who could be mad at that face) and when he was grounded (which was quite often). Of course there were the walkie talkies but the other boys could listen and they would. But even with the landlines you both knew that your moms were listening in but you didn't care. They were obsessed over you two being a couple. Which you weren't .You were just kids

You pulled on mikes sweatshirt. Which he left in your room. And You know for a fact that he did it on purpose just to get a rise on your mom. You love to tease her like where You were one of his sweaters and she gets all exited and then mike lets her down. And It works everytime. When You tried to give this one back he just told you to keep it. So you did. And You ware it all the time. The boys make fun him for being so close to you but it never gets to him.

You climbed into your bed fighting to stay awake for mikes call. They last about 10 to 30 minutes so it's a good time. But when You go to bed you have to have a breathing tube so to avoid putting that mask on your face he talks a lot more just to push it away.  A reason why Your mom doesn't let you have sleep overs because she knows that you won't put it on because you will be up all night talking.

You looked down at the watch that was on your wrist and It read 8:28. You only needed to wait 2 minutes before I could talk to him. Sometimes You would fall asleep on the phone and he would say good night. But that didn't happen often.

And then the phone wrung

You practically jumped out of your bed and ran over to the phone in the kitchen. You picked it up said


Hey mia, can you come over?

"Yeah sure I'll be right over"

Ok I'll see you in 15?

"Yeah just let me put my shoes on"

Ok bye Mimi

"Bye mike"

You put down the phone and went into your bedroom to grab you inhaler and you shoes.

You knew that will would be home any second so you left a note

Will I will be back, (get it) I'm just going to mikes for a little bit.
Love you, Mimi
Ps. You tell mom this and I will kill you with no problem

You went outside and the cold fall air just attacked  your skin causeing you to huddle closer into mikes hoodie. The smell of it brought comfit to you. You got onto your bike and started to ride Towards his house.

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