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W.C= 2271
"Is there a number that we can call for your parents?" Mike asks the girl that was sitting on mikes couch.

"Where's you hair? Do you have cancer?"

"Did you run away?"

"Are you in some kind of trouble?"

"I'd that blood!?"

"Stop, your freaking her out!"

"Well she's freaking me out!"

"I beat she deaf!"

"Nope not deaf"

"Shush!" You say "she's just scared and cold"

"Here you go, these are clean" you pulled a pare of sweatpants and a hoodie out of you backpack and handed it to her. Had 2 in there but one was mikes and you made sure not to give her that one and mike noticed.

You looked up from the backpack and looked at mike. He had a proud accomplished smile on his face an gave you a look. All you did was roll your eyes.

She took them and put the sweatshirt and rubbed it agents her face. You gave mike a look of 'wtf'.

She then stood up. All of the boys were watching her like she was about to shoot them. And then she tried to take off her shirt. You immediately jump in front of her to sheld whatever they were about to witness.

She suddenly stoped and you turned around and pointed to the bathroom

"Privacy, get it?"

You walk over to the bathroom and the girl walks inside and she inspects it. You begin to close the door. But she stoped you.

"No" the girl with no name speaks

"Oh so you can speak, oh um well what if we just keep the door like this? Better?"

"Yes" she respond

You nod and walk back over to the boys to find that they were still talking

"This is mental" Dustin says as you walk up

"At least she can talk" you say

"She said "no" and "yes" mikes 3 year old sister says more" Lucas comments

"She tried to get naked" Dustin says as you roll your eyes and say

"All of you are so stupid"

" there something seriously wrong with her. Like wrong in the head" Lucas comments

"She went like" Dustin says as he copy's the girls actions from just a few moments ago

"I bet she escaped from pennhurst"
Lucas adds

"From where?" mike asks from beside you

"The nuthouse in Kerry county" Lucas explains

"Gots a lot of family up there?" You ask as mike high fives you and then intertwines your fingers and Lucas responds with

"Bite me! But seriously though, think about it. That would explain her shaved hair and why she is so crazy."

"And why she went like" Dustin said as he continued the motion agian

"She's an escapee is the point. She probably a psycho" Lucas explain

"Like Michael Myers!" You say

"Exactly! We should have never brought her here." Lucas exclaims

"So you just wanted to leave her out in that storm!" Mike asks

"Yes!" Lucas says

"We went out to find will, not another problem" you say under you breath while walking over to the couch to get your shit together

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