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THE FLOOD LIGHTS that were shining brightly down on the freshly painted pavement, shut off abruptly, leaving that moment of darkness within the arena. A moment, a short moment, lingered before the bright lights coming from the headlights of the Rimac & the few other cars that set right before the start line.

Soon the next kilometre in front of the cars were lit up with white head lights stemming from the shining, expensive hyper cars. The black boots lifted off from the sticky surface, moving into the inside of the red car, and the girl pulled the door shut.

The silence engulfed the small space, till her ear began to ring. Whipping her head to the side, eyeing the mirror to see the bright green flag being lifted, and the sound of multiple revving engines filling the arena,  until the flag was dropped.

Within that second, her foot had moved to the accelerator, pressing down on it with her hand reaching for the gear. Her other hand had her fingers curling over the steering wheel, all as her car was sent straight to 100mph within the matter of milliseconds. The noise of the short lived crack of the gear switching was blown over by the sound of the engine as she blazed past the other cars.

Passed 2, Buggati following behind, McLaren up ahead, eye on the Corvette. Her thoughts rang out as she turned the edge of the track overtaking the McLaren ahead. Her eyes switching between the mirror, to the window in front of her, the adrenaline that rushed through her body took over the feeling of the immense speed she was going through.

Lap 1 complete. Her car was following 3rd by the second lap, however within the moment she glanced at her mirror, seeing that yellow flag that was raised up she switched her vision back to the mirror seeing the indication of the flag. Debris ahead. The thought and process that went through her ahead hit right at the moment she witnessed the Lamborghini drive into the pylons sending them right to her direction. Swerve left, overtake from behind to the right. She watched her opponent ahead, the Corvette, pass by the Lamborghini, proceeding to swerve alongside the pylons.

Sick trick to go the other way huh? She squinted her eyes and her hand reached for the gear switch as she swerved sharply dodging the pylons the Corvette in front of her left in her direction.  Last lap. Pull through the edges, and victory is to us. She watched as she once again passed the start line, her head constantly turning back and forth between the mirror and the window that revealed the blurry surroundings. Waiting for the only landmark she could make out, the crowd & her team that wore purple and blue covered tracksuits, she kept thinking about how close they were to winning.

INCREASE SPEED. She gripped the gear stick pulling it back after watching herself pass the blue & purple blur, she put her full force onto the pedal, as her head was being pulled back against the headrest. The purple car sped through the small gap between the Corvette, that had been leading for the majority of the race, and the edge of the track.

infringed love | yang jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now