stockholm symdrome

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they all stayed at boobys house for the next few weeks and cast still wants to shag tatlor


7 weels later

"Spin the bottle!" sam says sith his massive bum bum to dean
today they decdied to play spinbthe botyle but insteadbof kissing they had to shag the other person :DDDD dean and sam dont shag though they just high five init
dean spins it and it lands on chloe :OOOO
the room was filled with ooooo's and ahhhhh's as dean held out his hand to chloe omg she smells like shit
they go to bobbys dead wife's room anf shag in there.

it was two minutes and they came back
"Already finished" dean said
chloe comes down the stairs moody, "whatever , lets just spinbthe bottle. go ahead taylor."

tayllr spuns the buttle and it lands on castiel, big bumbum man
cass blushes beet red and shyly stands up.
they seductively walk up the stairs, hand in hsnd as the door slams open. Tayllr RUSHES to th ebed, both from west virginia, as cass slowly moves to the bed with her.
"are yku sure you want to do this?"
"Yes. Do you want to do this?" taylor asked back, taking off her neon green light up jumpsuit full face coverage free family man woman suit.
then they shagged, pretty sure cass got pegged LOL bottom biatch 😜😜😜

after they both busted a fat nut they went back downstairs and realised that dean and chloe were dead and sam was playing twister with boby
"NO RIGHT FOOT RED YOU FUCKING MORON" sam shouted to the stupid fatty batty old man
he then shrieked and fell, losing the game.
"you only won because yor 39" he said, raising a glass and smashing it on the ground out of PURE ANGER 🤬🤬

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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