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Have I really been that sad?
The difference from before and now is astronomical and I am glad but for how long was i numb?
It's like I lost all my dopamine and just now found it in a lost and found.
You're the Serotonin I've needed and when you talk I feel butterflies.
I feel like I can trust you.
Because I already know I love you.
I've known you for a long time but I feel like that time so forever.
I just hope that it is because if you were to go, like lots of others have: I can't imagine what I'd do because I love being with you, seeing you, and I love you.
But if my heart gets broken, whether it be me or you
I couldn't hate you and I never will
I may not have much confidence but I can be who I am with you.
And am I getting ahead of myself?
Maybe not.
All the people who have supported me and I am happy to have you on that list.
And like a flame, when you make me happy my smile spreads.
I'm happy and I feel so relieved.
Like a weight has been lifted off my back.
My life isn't the greatest but I guess those moments that you or my friends talk to me, compliment me, tell me a joke, talk to me it's good enough.
So to those who support me:

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