Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Barbra Streisand


What was going on with Leo and Piper? They couldn't have become a couple, Annabeth would've been able to tell, and Leo can't just be siding with Piper over Jason, so what was it?

Annabeth thought...

Oh. My. Gods.



Knock. Knock. Knock.

Piper ignored it.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Piper ignored it.


"Alright! I'm coming!" Piper groaned.

As soon as Piper opened the door, Annabeth stormed in.

"Have you completley lost your mind? Are you actually going senile?" Annabeth stormed.

Piper stared at her. She then turned away.

"Did Leo tell you?" she said in barely more than a whisper. Her plan was not going well.

"I figured it out, because of all the throwing up! And the fact that you couldn't do any athletics training! AND the fact that Leo has been looking so guilty around Jason. Does pregnancy actually do that to you? Or is it just post - breakup depression?"

"You know what horrifies me most, is that you haven't told Jason. So how many months are you. 1? 2?" Annabeth asked.

"5." Piper grimaced.

Annabeth stared at her.

"I only just found out a week ago! I haven't known for THAT long! What the Hades do you take me for?"

"You've got to tell Jason, Piper. He deserves to know."

Piper sighed. Annabeth was right. She had to tell him. Piper picked up her coat, opened the door, and walked out.


Piper had been looking for Jason for ages. Where was he?

Piper turned a corner. And stopped. And stared.

Good news. She'd found Jason. Bad news. He was kissing Reyna.

Piper choked on her own breath. Jason was turning around.

Piper span around, and sprinted round the corner.

I know what you're all thinking! OH MY GOD! But, I will get them back together pretty soon! Don't freak! GiGi xoxo

Heroes of Olympus: After Giant War Jason and Piper Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now