Dangerous fire rescue

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At Adventure City...

It was nighttime in Adventure City, it was 7:43 PM. Skye was in her high tech gear flying around the City with her wings.

Skye: (Howl)

*Something hits Skye's wings and they start malfunctioning*

Skye: Huh?

*Skye loses control of her wings and crashed through a box of fireworks*

Skye: Oof!

*Skye crashes through a window*

Skye: *Bark in pain*

*11 Fireworks crash inside the building and a fire starts*

Skye: Oh no. (Coughs) Help! Help! Chase! Help!

*Skye looks outside the broken window*

Skye: *Barking loudly for help*

Man: There's a pup trapped inside that building! I gotta call the Paw Patrol!

At the Lookout...

Chase and Marshall were sitting next to each other as brothers. That is until the call paw print button was glowing.

Chase: Someone's calling us.

*Chase answers the call*

Chase: Hello, Chase here.

Man: Excuse me, is that your friend in that building?

*Man shows the burning building and zooms in on the broken window*

Chase and Marshall: (Gasp)

Chase: It's Skye!

Marshall: She's too young to be alone in the City.

Man: How are we gonna get that poor pup out of there?

Chase: We'll come to the rescue.

Man: Hurry!

*The call ends*

Chase: Hurry Marsh! Let's get our gear and save Skye!

*Chase and Marshall get in their high tech gear and drove their vehicles to the burning building*

Skye: *Barking loudly for help*

Skye: Help! I'm too young to fry!

*Skye spots Chase and Marshall*

Skye: Chase! Marshall! Up here! (Coughs)

Marshall: Hold on, Skye! We'll get you down to safety! Don't worry.

*Marshall presses a button and his mega Water Cannon appears*

Marshall: Take this, fire!

*Marshall blasts the fire on the walls of the building*

Skye: *Happy howl* Way to go Marshall-

*Skye slips and falls out the broken window into big flames*


Chase and Marshall: SKYE!!!!!

Chase: MY PUP IS ON FIRE!!! (Screaming)

*Marshall blasts the big flames with water completely putting it out and soaking Skye*

Chase: Oh my gosh!!

*Chase jumps out of his vehicle and checks on Skye*

Chase: Oh my gosh, she has burn marks all over her body. Oh my gosh. (Heavily breathing)

*Marshall brings out an Ambulance bed and puts Skye on it*

Chase: Skye, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm so sorry. (Tearing up)

*Marshall puts his ear on Skye's chest, but no heartbeat*

Marshall: Chase...I'm not hearing anything. She's...

*Chase puts his head on Skye's chest and starts crying*

Chase: Skye! Please don't go!

Marshall: Wait! I have an idea!

*Marshall brings out a oxygen mask pipe and puts it on Skye's mouth*

Chase: Marshall, what are you doing?

Marshall: We still have a chance to save her.

Chase: How?

Marshall: Like this.

*Marshall squeezes the tank makings fresh oxygen go into Skye's mouth*

Chase: C'mon Skye, please don't leave us. We need you. I NEED you!

*Skye starts beating again and coughed*

Skye: (Groan) Where...am...I?

Chase and Marshall: Skye! You're alive!

Chase: Oh my gosh Skye you're alive.

*Chase grabs Skye and hugs her tight*

Skye: Chase, what happened to me?

*Chase sets Skye down on her side and puts his paw on her stomach*

Chase: You fell in the flames and nearly burned to a crisp.

Skye: Chase, please take me home. I don't wanna be out here anymore. I'm really scared. (Starts whimpering)

Chase: Don't worry my baby girl. Marshall, let's take her home.

Marshall: Okay.

*Chase and Marshall drive Skye back and they enter the Lookout and they take their high tech gear off*

Chase: Don't worry Skye, you'll be safe at the Lookout.

*Skye looks at the view of Adventure City*

Skye: I'm not going out there anymore. It's too dangerous.

Marshall: Me and the other Pups will take care of you while Ryder is away. He's staying at a friend's house for 4 weeks.

Chase: Yeah.

*Skye lays down and Chase and Marshall start licking her in the face with their tails wagging*

Skye: *Happy and giggly barking*

The End.

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