Relics of Sorrow

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It was a nice and crisp Fall evening. The leaves were just starting to change color and the need for heavier and warmer clothing was beginning to settle in. On the outskirts of the main city of Inazuma, a tall purple haired lady in a beautifully designed kimono was walking along side a black haired samurai.

" Yo- ha- you must be joking", said Ei, trying to speak while laughing.

" No no-", replied Solstice. "- I swear to you I'm not lying. A pack of Hilitchurls tried jumping me while I was resting and a Mitatchurl actually threw a Hilitchurl at me". Solstice was recalling how earlier that day he was resting on a tree when a group of Hilitchurls decided to attack him. Out of the blue, a Mitatchurl picked up a Hilitchurl, winded him up, and then threw said Hilitchurl at Solstice like a ball. Solstice, instinctively, jumped into the air and ran away as he wouldn't want to bother with an annoying task of flying Hilitchurls.

Solstice started, " Anyways, Ei, I'll be going now. Some buddies of mine were planning on training their swordsman skills and I intend to join, see ya". Solstice then began to walk the other direction, then Ei called out.

" Oh, Solstice, meet me at Tenshukaku later tonight. You still owe me from that bet that I won last week, remember?" Ah said Solstice internally. He had forgotten about that. The week earlier Solstice bet that he could eat more sweets in an hour than Ei. About half way in his teeth were already hurting from the sugar and Ei was already down to under half of the candy that was given for the bet. In the end Ei won and Solstice had to punch a tooth out.


I miss these memories so so much. A lonely leaf fell onto Solstice's head as a lied beneath a tree, overlooking Liyue Harbor. The lanterns in the sky created a beautiful glow that surrounded the city, and the talking in it was loud enough to hear even from far away the entry gates. Liyue was truly alive at this time of year. Solstice, on the other hand was not. He felt hurt and betrayed. The only thing that made him feel just a little bit better was the fact that he got to talk to Morax again. He now went by the name Zhongli, which was a change of pace. Morax wasn't one that Solstice was specifically close to, yet he was one that Solstice felt calm and collective when talking to him. The conservation with him earlier that night was nice, which was the complete opposite of what had happened before then. The thunder thrashing and rain crashing still sting his sense of sound. The rain itself had felt like it was electricity. Truly, things in Inazuma were not going to end well.

   Across from Solstice, the sound of grass crunching caught his attention. What made it more surprising was that the sound of a mask clanking against things meant that a certain person was nearby. Their green tinted hair flowed through the wind and he stared blankly at the stars. He then spoke.

   " It is a surprise to see you here, Keeper of Thunder". The mans voice was low yet a tint of annoyance was heard. Solstice looked up and the man he saw confirmed his suspicions.

   " Ah, and it is a pleasure to see that you are as much as a cat as ever, Vigilant Yaksha", replied Solstice, chuckling as he said this. The Yaksha looked down at Solstice and stared for a moment before starting once more.

   " As much as I am for respect, you do not need to greet me in such a formal manner, as in addressing me by my title. However, the comment about comparing me to a feline is aggravating", the Yaksha stated blatantly. " You are my superior in the grand scheme of things, anyways." Solstice looked away and laughed a bit, before returning words.

   " Of course I know that, but showing respect to my peers is the least I can do, right Xiao?". Solstice smirked before continuing. " Besides, aren't you going to ask why I'm here, in Liyue, of all places?"

   Xiao looked again at Solstice and crossed his arms. He had done this to show Solstice that it was obvious that he was going to ask him that. Xiao then closed his eyes and looked at the ground before blurting out.

   " I was going to bring that up", said Xiao. " What exactly brings you here? Has there been some form of threat emerging here?"

   Solstice too closed his eyesight With that action he also leaned back against the trunk of the tree.

   " Yes, a threat is emerging, yet it doesn't concern Liyue now", Solstice stated.

   " Then why are you here", asked an annoyed Xiao.

   " I talked to Morax". That certainly caught Xiao's attention. " He has an idea for the cause of my little threat".

Note: Next chapter I'll include Solstice's chat with Morax. Also yes, people who know Zhongli's actual identity will address him as Morax, though usually in private.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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