Chapter one: Wrong place, Wrong time

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Notes                                                                                                                                             ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Picture at the top is not mine but this is how I imagine Riptide's mask


Tommy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Tommy was locking up the café when he heard a scream from a few blocks away.

Don't do it, don't do it Tommy

Tommy sighed and sprinted down the street to see what was happening. he heard another shrill scream and followed it into an intersection.

It was absolute mayhem.

Chunks of the street were scattered everywhere, people were running in every direction screaming. one man bumped into him shoving him to the ground as he desperately tried to escape the tornado of the chaos unfolding before him. Tommy got back up and saw what was causing the mayhem. Two of the top heroes Riptide and Flame were attacking a top villain named Catalyst.

Catalyst smirked and snapped his fingers, suddenly a portal appeared above the Riptide's head and a huge chunk of the street fell out of the gaping hole in time and space. Riptide oblivious to the 200-pound rock plummeting straight towards his head Tommy knew he had to do something. he spread his black wings and with one powerful thrust launched himself into the air and dove towards the rock. Repositioning himself mid-air and letting gravity take him he kicked the rock as hard as he could using his momentum to fling it into a stop sign.

Riptide looked at him oddly and said "Thanks, kid." His jet black hair got in the way of his eye slits in his light blue mask so he brushed them away and smiled up at him with perfect white teeth. Tommy got entranced for a moment in his dazzling sea blue-green eyes as they glittered in the moonlight staring back at him.

"Hey, are you two gonna just stand there and stare at each other, or are you going to help me stop Catalyst from destroying the city?"

Flames's long red hair was a complete mess. Chunks of the street and debris in her hair making it clump up in bunches. Her cat mask had a crack on the right side. Her ears were pricked alert for any out-of-place sounds, her thin tail swishing from side to side.  Riptide cusses under his breath. "well we could use those wings of yours think you could give us a hand?" he asked looking hopeful.

Tommy shrugged. "Not like I have anything better to do" Riptide smirked, "after you then." and they launched into battle.

Riptide and Flame Fought like demons slashing and stabbing whenever they could while Tommy made sure the rocks from Catalysts portals did not hit the heroes as they fought. Riptide barely blocks a blow from Catalyst's rapier with his trident that would have taken his head clean off. Tommy stopped another chunk of rock from hitting Flame when he hears it.

A shrill cry rings through what once was an intersection, Tommy snapped his head up scanning for what made the sound. About ten yards away sat a small child, A fox hybrid hiding under a wooden picnic table in front of a fast-food restaurant eyes full of tears. The little foxling cried for help, the cry was so mournful, Tommy had to do something. Tommy looked back at Riptide with concern. Riptide understood and nodded. Tommy eminently turns and glides down slowly so he won't startle the poor child. He lands soundlessly and walks towards the picnic table with caution. when the fox hybrid spots him she shrinks away from him squeezing herself in the corner of the small space. The movement tugs on his heart. "I'm not going to hurt you." He says adding some of his bird voice to calm her down. "where are your parents?"

"Never knew them."

"Never knew mine either."

The small girl seems to see him in a new light. Tommy holds out his hand and she takes it. Tommy pulls her out from under the picnic table and brushed the dust off her torn clothes and brushed the debris out of her brownish-orange hair as best as he could. The girl finally registered that Tommy had wings and looks at them in awe before turning to him and says. "Are you an angel? am I dead?"

Tommy laughed, "I am not an angel and you are definitely not dead,"


"But if we don't get away from here we might die so we should get out of here don't you think?" He said a wry smile creeping onto his face. The girl nodded and Tommy picked her up and spread his wings ready to take off when he hears a strangled cry coming out of what he thought might be Riptide.


But the warning came too late, Catylist had a knife to his throat and whispered, "try anything funny, and bad things will happen to you and that girl." Tommy froze.

Welp, he had a good run

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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