Chapter 2

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TW: Mentions of suicide, angst

Back to present, Steve was lying on a hospital bed, as a failed suicide attempt.
All he wanted was to visit Bucky.

The avengers were now really concerned about their team mat- Captain.
America's golden boy tried to kill himself is a big deal right?
So they wasted no time and wanted to talk to Steve about his problems, if he has any.

As Natasha and Tony were kinda close with Steve, they volunteered to talk with Steve.

Steve slightly opened his eyes, but hissed and shut close when the lights were too bright. After adjusting, he realized 2 people were standing, he didn't know who they were, but he knew there was one female and a male.

"Peggy? Bucky?"

That's it, Natasha figured out that he was hallucinating, as mentioned in his files. Tony being a smart-dumb person, understood nothing.

Nat spoke up, "Steve, it's us Natasha and Tony, you are in 2013, remember the avengers? You are not in 1923" 

Steve still couldn't believe what was happening, he thought died and was now with his old pals.
"I...uh...yeah 2013..yeah...."

The 3 remained silent for a moment.


"What was that for Steve?"

"Sorry I am just a disappointment for yall, jus' why don't you kill me?"

"Steve, we know you aren't stable now, mentally but me and Tony would like to talk about it with you, you can share anything you want with us."

"Anything huh?"

"Yes we will do anything you want Steve" Tony was confident now.

"Take me back to the 30s?"

Now this sentence was enough to shut their mouth.

"Steve thats not possible."

"Yeah? then bring back Bucky and Peggy"


"You can't do anything okay! the love of my life, my friends, my family, neighbourhood, my mentor, everyone died! I couldnt even see them one last time, i don't even know where their graves are! Do you think you can live such life? huh?"

Tony clearly understood that Steve isn't gonna open up so they left him gathered with the Avengers to talk about this.


They needed Wanda and Sam's help.

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