chapter 6

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Warnings in this chapter

Marcel had introduced me to a few more people including one that is one of Davina's friends. Josh. Marcel knew so many people being the king and I learnt about the day walkers and nightwalkers which included Josh and one of Marcel's guys, Tierrary. It felt right here. I felt right here. I'm standing and leaning on a table watching Rebekah dance with Marcel. I felt as If I was watching myself in her position but with Damon at Miss Mystic Falls. That day he was pure and good. Now I just don't even know. Klaus is dancing with Cami and I could see the connection between them even by them just dancing. Drink in my hand and watching others dance with loved ones. "Why so glum" I don't flinch as Kol stands beside me, I don't even take my eyes off the dance floor. "Just thinking how my life is going to change in so many ways" watching others dance and feel happy allows me to have that chance to talk and feel the emotions I do. "Let's start by adding to that change by this, Elena would you like to dance" I look over to Kol with a sparkle in my eyes and take his hand.

Kol's hands on my waist while mine rest around his neck. This doesn't feel wrong, it feels right. Us just moving along to the slow motion music, our bodies swaying and my head resting against his chest. The music stayed slow until it started to speed up. Kol spun me around and back into his arms which caused me to laugh. "Tell me Elena, what made you say yes to my brother's offer to live with us?" I guess that question was going to come up eventually. "I saw hope in your family, in a way I feel safe and that I know I would get a fresh start" I give a brief reason on why even though I still question the question itself. I couldn't help but to crack a smile when he held me in my arms. I don't feel numb, I feel happy. I think I'm falling for Kol Mikaelson.

I had to stop dancing as my feet were getting sore and Kol was needed elsewhere. "So you and the youngest brother huh, you two make a cute item" Davina thinks Kol and I are a couple which I can understand why. "No Kol and I aren't an item" I confirm, feeling as if I wish we were. "There is definitely something between you two and It's strong" If Davina can feel something between Kol and I then maybe I should act on it. "I'm heading home but Josh and I are going to Cami's bar tomorrow if you want to join us" I've been in this city for a day and I'm already getting invited. "I would love that, send me the details and I'll see you there" I cheerfully answer. Davina sends me a text as she leaves making me feel like I belong. Davina is such a beautiful girl no wonder Marcel calls her his daughter. There is history behind her though as she is so kind. After Davina left I found myself getting a little bored.

To help the boredom I started to wander around a little through the hall. I wasn't expecting to find what I am seeing. Vampire. Blood. Bodies. "You shouldn't be in here" The male vampire snarls. I back away to the door and run out of the room. There was so much blood. I ran straight to Marcel out of breath. "Marcel, there's bodies drained in one of the back rooms, blood. Vampire" I rush out. "Elena, take a deep breath, I'll deal with this. You did the right thing telling me" Marcel makes me feel at ease then what I felt like. Marcel leaves my side and I go find one of the Mikaelson's. I spot Elijah first and run over to him. "Elena, are you okay?" He checks, noticing I'm shaken up. "Marcel is dealing with it, can you please take me back to the manor or at least one of you please" I beg. Elijah puts his hand on my back and walks with me towards the door. He dials a phone number and makes a call. When he hangs up the phone he walks me outside and towards the car. "I informed Niklaus that I'm taking you home, my siblings will join us shortly" He explains to me when we get into the car. Something always has to go wrong no matter how good I feel.

I couldn't get the picture of all those bodies drained out of my head. Yes I have seen bodies drained and blood before but tonight it was different. When I looked at the vampire I felt as If I was looking at Ripper Stefan. The two brothers who are madly in love with me are the two people I partly fear now. I had loved Stefan and felt something towards Damon but seeing those bodies tonight only reminded me how much I was frightened. Shutting out fear isn't as easy as it sounds. "I made you some tea" I smiled at Elijah's hospitality as I placed a hot mug of tea on my bedside table. "Why is it everywhere I go? Death follows" I sadly question.

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