7- Rage and Chaos

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I hardly notice when Ace's hands wrap around me forcing me not to run in the direction of the Gala hall. Another shot goes off, and then two more.

I can hardly breathe, let alone think. My parents, my brothers, my whole family is in the gala room. My mind flashes different scenarios, each more worse then the last.

I can see my mother, sobbing over each of my brothers bodies. Her hands curled around their heads, tears nearly rinsing their faces of the blood accumulating on the floor. She cry's for Thomas the most, her golden boy, her first born son, her baby. What will she do now without her precious Thomas, the Wayne heir. What's worse is the images of my father, doing something noble. He would be the type to jump in front of my mother and protect her from anything, even a bullet. I can see his freshly pressed suit covered in his own blood, soaking all the way to his skin. My mother would just stand there, probably in shock.


Ace is still holding me in his arms, my body thrashing for him to release me. I need to be in that room, I need to know which one of my scenarios has come to life.

"Listen to me!" His voice grows quieter, "We need to stay here!" He turns my body towards his face, forcing me to meet his eyes.

"We have to wait until it's safe Martha, what ever is going on... it's better left alone" His words process slow in my rumbling mind.

"I-I can't, my family" I stutter my words, the alcohol making its way back to my tongue. My eyes grow foggy as I look into his, I must be crying, "They are all in there."

"I know, mine is too" He must have noticed the tears, because he pulls my closer to him. A make shift hug, you could call it.

"Stop Ace!" I push him off, my mind still stuck on my family, "We need to go!"

"Martha, you seriously need to shut the fuck up right now!" He keeps a grip on both of my hands, "We don't know what is going on!"

I trail my eyes to the hallway we are in. It begins to get smaller and smaller as the air I am breathing gets thinner. The walls move slightly, I can hardly breathe anymore.

"I-I need to go!" I try to calm myself, but fail miserably, "I need to!"

"Martha, it's going to be alright, calm down."

"I can't Ace, my whole family is in there! Thomas, Mike, all of my brothers! What if one of them is dying right now, and where am I?" My breath gets quicker and quicker, "I'm in this fucking hallway with you, almost blackout drunk, messing around!"

"Martha, we are in the middle of Gotham city, the main police station is two blocks away! Also, most of the police force is in attendance anyway!" He nearly shouts, "What criminal would get away with killing a Wayne tonight of all nights?"

"Wow, you're really-y help-ing" My words stutter even more.

The distance sound of sirens ring through our ears, our heads whip towards the noise.

"See, speak of the devil!" He holds my hand now, "They are already here."

The sirens does begin to comfort me, at least help is on the way, probably already in the building by now.

"Hey, you are alright" He pulls me into a hug once more, this time I give myself a moment to accept it. For this moment I do think of a never possible future, then it's gone before I know it.

"Get behind me." Ace pushed me behind him, my back practically hitting the cold wall.

The foot steps of someone running down the hallway get closer, and finally I can see a man sprinting towards us. Something inside me tells me I should run, but Ace stands tall, unafraid. The man begins to slow down as he gets closer. He is dressed in all back, his face covered in a ski mask. What I notice before all of this is the gun in his hand and his fingers gripped tightly on the trigger.

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