2- The Daughter of Gotham

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Maybe it's the way my father, without the consent of my mother, carries a shot gun in his back pocket at all times. Or when walking home from the movies at night his jaw would clench when passing alleyways. Mostly it was because he taught me never to be afraid of the dark, only what lies in it, including yourself.

Even in a home filled with a great amount of testosterone, it was a pleasure to know I was protected at all times. They called us Gotham's oldest and golden family. We were a pinocle of what Gotham no longer is, the most crime ridden city in the world. Many had believed our family line was to die off, with my father. But it came a surprise to them after each step he took against those accusations.

If the notorious bachelor Bruce Wayne was to marry anyone, it was not my mother.

She was from a high family in New York, just across the bay. They had met at a charity gala. My mother was poised and graceful, something Bruce had never found interest in. It's my assumption that my father choose my mother because of her standard. She was the complete opposite of him, and she was trained to serve a husband. My mother's father, my grandfather, was hesitant to the marriage as the Wayne family was rumoured about. After much convincing, or a large sum of dowry, he finally agreed.

With the news of the marriage, the world had stopped, everyone around the bay tristate area was in shock. The wedding was a huge event in Gotham, even the mayor attended.

Afterwards, the last thing anyone expected was my mother to become pregnant. Many rumours had said that my father wanted my mother to be cooped up alone, just as he was all those years. To their surprise Bruce Wayne had really agreed to have a child. People worried for my mother and the soon to be Wayne heir.

My brother Thomas was treated like a king when he was born. Right away the house's many dusty rooms were refurbished into children's nursery's, play rooms, and bedrooms. Soon after Thomas, out came Arthur and Andrew and then Micheal. The Wayne house was alive again.

Each member of my family had a purpose in my parents view.

Thomas was to take over the family business, and in Wayne tradition, the eldest son always does. Arthur and Andrew, the twins, were to be doctors. Not sure why, they were some of the greatest lugs I have ever met, but Mother and Father saw something in them. Next was Micheal, he was to be a police officer for the GCPD and serve under what's left of Jim Gordon's legacy. And it went on, why they had so many children is quite a simple answer you can find in my Father's soul.

There came a time when this was all the great Wayne family proudly produced of heirs, all boys. It wasn't until years later when mother's crave of a girl had taken over every muscle in her body. Her back was tired of steel trains and toy cars. She needed a girl to prawn and pick at in my opinion, nothing more. A daughter would give her a truly fulfilled life, as she would say. But as my father did with most things my dear mother asked so he gave her one last chance at a girl.

They called it a celebration of a century. Never had a girl been born to the great Wayne family in years. It was a proud moment for all around, the parties went on for weeks. The four brothers of the family were shaken by the pink bonnets and shoes.

Most unsure of all was my father himself, unsure of what to do with a girl, nor what she would be like. The only thing he every was sure of about me was my name. It was the only name that would fit in his opinion and the only name he every would give his daughter.

So they named me Martha Josephine Wayne, the second.

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