Chapter One - Homecoming

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Danny's POV

"Danny! Danny! Where'd you go? We need you, Danny. Do you hear me? If you just leave me and never come back, I don't think I'll be able to do this on my own."

Her voice haunted every moment, sleep included. I hadn't slept peacefully since the day I got back, a week ago. I could hear from her voice that she had tears in her eyes, and she was desperate. Knowing Astro, begging for help and admitting she needed me had to be painful for her. But it's not like I can do anything about it. I'm stuck here, and no matter how intensely she pleads in my subconsciousness. I could hear her always. Well, sometimes it was her, sometimes Andrea, other times it was Sam, and even Beatrice scolded me for running out on them once in a while. It wasn't my fault. It was Astro's own damn invention that had gotten me here.

I was laying awake in my bed, staring at the ceiling. In one hand I clutched my drumsticks, which had been transformed into a huge black and red sword when I first went to Camara. But during my long trek home, it had turned back into two useless wooden drumsticks, stealing away one of my last mementos of my journey. I felt a pang of sadness, remembering how perfect the hilt of my sword had felt held tight in my hands, how natural it felt to battle with it, cutting through ruthless Hollows with ease. I shuddered, remembering just how dangerous the Hollows themselves were, almost killing me more than once, the times I dropped my guard.

I couldn't stand just laying there anymore. I got up out of bed, glancing at my clock. It was almost 7:00. I had to get going if I wanted to make it to school in time. I shivered, thinking of going back to living my formerly pretty normal life, after all that had happened. It felt like a crime, sacrilege to the memories of my friends who were presumably in danger. Why else would they need me? Anyway, I was going back to school, because apparently I had arrived home on the same day spring began. So I had had a week or so to prepare myself for school again, honestly I couldn't be more unprepared. How could I face my friends and act like nothing had transpired? I looked at the calendar that hung on my wall. It was April 1st, and the day I had left this world was March 20th, and I had been gone three days in Camara. Meaning that I returned on March 23rd, the first day of spring.

Astro's POV

"Beace, are you almost done there?" I asked, my voice unsteady and crackly from dehydration.

"Just about. Keep your panties on." Came the gruff response from my friend. Beatrice wasn't exactly known for an overflow of emotions, at least, not friendly ones. I shrugged. I had known her for a year now, and wasn't bothered by her demeanor.

She was working on welding together metal pieces of a broken invention of mine. I don't know why they keep breaking recently. I haven't been able to do much of anything useful, not since....since he left me. I shook my head vigorously. He hadn't left me voluntarily, none of them had. But it didn't help my emotional state that it was partially my fault that they were gone.

Me and my friends are members of an organization, simply titled, The Resistance. What are we resisting, you ask? Sometimes, I think we're resisting ourselves. But no, there's a greater enemy. The Hollows, or stringers as they're commonly referred to as. Evil puppets that will break your neck and enter your body in a heartbeat. They bottle your soul up, and utilise your old body for their master's grim purposes.

My other best friend (?) Samuel Sagous is the leader of our group. Or was. He hasn't been seen for weeks. I've almost given up hope. And then Danny, the boy I thought I had a chance with, unlike Sam, is also gone, disappeared the same day. They're probably dead. I'm about ready to let go.


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