Chapter Seven - Far-Weather Friends

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Danny looked over me as I shivered. "What?" I said. "It's a cold night, and you're dragging me out here."

He was annoyed, obviously, but shrugged. "Do you need my coat or something?"

"Nah, it'll make you feel worse if I get pneumonia or some shit." I said contemptuously.

I took out the weird note again. It was definitely Danny's, his writing always looked like a war zone, There was also a weird symbol on the back, which Danny had passed off as a signature. It kinda looked like a silvery head with spike coming out of it, or a crown?

Danny came to a stop suddenly, at a big tree. We were just outside school grounds, and in the shade.

"So what do you expect to happen?" I said pointedly. "We're the only ones here."

"Someone's gonna show up; who knows where my mom is." He said simply. "I thought she was on a business trip?" I said. He had mentioned her at school today, and again when I read the note first, but I figured she was fine.

"No." Danny said finally. "No, it's worse." While I was still forming a response, a figure slipped out into sight. 

I don't know how we missed him, because he clanked like a kitchen. He had dark brown hair and pale skin, and wore a black sleeveless shirt. There were a bunch of gadgets strapped to his jeans, and he carried a black garbage bag, which was obviously filled with more gadgets. It was still dark out, but I could see recognition and confusion in his eyes when he saw us.

"What are the three cities?" He asked, directing it at me.

"Huh?" I backed up. "Not me, he's the one who got a note!" I pointed at Danny.  The newcomer's gaze switched.

"Braccess, Camara, and...Zeus." Danny reeled off. 

"You assume that's what I meant?" The guy onserved. "You also seem to think my terms are a joke." He glanced sullenly at me.

"You didn't give me much in the way of terms, so I made my own." Danny countered fiercely. The guy was silent for a spell, considering.

He then pulled out a small cardboard box from his garbage bag. Seeing it, Danny pulled out a similar one. His was plain white, while the stranger's box was orange and embroidered with the same symbol as the one on the note I was still holding. 

Confused, I stepped back. "I'll just...let you guys handle your....mojo." I muttered nervously.

"No." They both said simultaneuosly. Then they looked surprisedly at each other.

"I, uh, still need you here, Trev." Danny said, unsure.

"As do I." The brown-haired boy said. "You can't leave until I have your word you won't tell anyone what you saw here tonight." He had sat down crossleggedly, across from where Danny was standing.

"Okay, whatever. I won't tell." I assured him. I turned to leave, dropping the note on the ground behind me. "You can handle it yourself." I said halfheartedly. As I left, I thought to myself how weird this all was. I didn't want any part of it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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