Chapter 11- My Best Friend Again

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Kinley's POV

My best friend.

I gasped and covered my mouth. He isn't real it's a dream. But it's not. His eyes were teary and I didn't know what to do or say. I just was in complete shock.

"Carl found me in the woods. He had some picture of you with him and I told him that I was your bestfriend and we got separated. So he made a plan to bring me here." He said smiling and now wiping his eyes.

I looked at Carl who was smiling.
"This is real." I said smiling.
He nodded and I jumped into his arms. He wrapped his arms around me tight but so soft.

His name is Lucas. He is 15 too. We've been best friends way before the apocalypse. Since kindergarten. He's helped me since then. With break ups, friends, school, anything you could think off. Then his hugs made everything better.

I'm embarrassed now. I bursted into tears as soon as I felt him. Carl was kinda uncomfortable about it but he knew I missed him.
"I thought you didn't make it." Lucas whispered.

"I thought you didn't." I whispered letting a happy tear fall. They were all happy tears.
He chuckled and hugged me tighter. I wanted to stay there forever to be honest. I can't.

I looked at Carl who was smiling then I looked at Lucas who was shedding a few tears. I was worse.
I hugged Carl. He hugged back.
"Thank you." I said.
He chuckled, "Your welcome."

We pulled away and I looked at Lucas.
"How did you get out?" I asked siting back down.
"I almost didn't." He said as they both sat next to me.
I looked at him kinda confused.

"What was her name....oh yea my ex. She helped me out and sacrificed her life." Lucas said.
I gasped and I didn't mean too.
He chuckled.
"Yea there was a whole group of zombies and we couldn't fight them off. She kissed me, said I love you, and then pushed herself into the group of zombies." Lucas said looking at the ground.

"I'm surprised but thankful that you made it." I admitted.
"Me too." Lucas said looking at me.
"I'll let you too catch up." Carl said smiling and kissing my head then leaving.
I smiled at his kiss then he left and I looked at Lucas.

"After I went to your house and you weren't there. I knew you took your things and left with your family. You couldn't wait for me. But then you left that note. I cried forever. Oh my god I did." Hayes said chuckling.
I smiled.

Hayes I'm sorry but I couldn't wait for you. The city's surrounded with those things. I hope you find this and know that I love you. Grab this gun and grab all the food left with your backpack. Try and stay safe. I'll see you one day I promise. There's also a bracelet that I never gave you in this envelope. I made it today. I would continue forever but I have to go before they swarm us. I love you so freakin much.

Hayes pulled out the letter and showed it to me. I gasped and smiled.
He also showed me his wrist. I teared up. The bracelet was all dirty but still there. He pulled something out of his bag and gave it too me.

"My bracelet." I said now crying my eyes out.
"I found it on the ground by the door." Hayes said handing it to me.
I put it on.
"I dropped it on the way out. My parents wouldn't let me go back." I said looking at him.

"I dropped mine in a hole full of zombies. I went in there after it." Hayes said.
I shook my head smiling.
"It was the last thing I had of you." Lucas said looking at his bracelet.
"I know." I said.

"I made it that day too." I said chuckling.
He smiled.
"I got bored but now we never are." I said.
Lucas nodded agreeing.

"I'm just glad your boyfriend there found me and saved me." He said.
I looked at him.
"I was in a small tree. I was in there to get a better view of this place. I dropped my knife on a rock and it made a loud noise. Carl heard it and so did the zombies. He came to the rescue and saved me." Lucas said.

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