Find the Realization ( Part 2 )

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Previously on Find the Realization

"I made Jovi go Mad?!"Ayaka was in shock as I she said that words. Of course she would go mad 'cause of that... "Jovi just got over it 2 months ago, she didn't even mentioned your name every time me and Steven talks about what happened. We even tried to hook her up to everyone we know but she just ignores those kinds of request, but recently she calmed down, 'cause of her- uhmm what was it called again?", I forgotten what Jovi told me! Ayaka will be so pissed!

"Jovel, do you mean like a habit?", Ayaka gave me a hint but I can't still put my finger in it... I nodded as an answer I hope she'll buy it...

"Maybe I'll ask her myself", this made me feel bad, but maybe it's best since it's these two had this kind of problem... "Sure, good luck then."

Ayaka's POV

As I go to the court of the school campus, I saw Jovi taking a break from playing basketball. "Jovi!", I waved and Jovi waved back. "What's up? Ya need something??", asked with a puzzled look in her face. "Jovi, about 2 months ago, how did you calmed down? Jovel and I were talking about it earlier so I wanted to know it myself", she had a shocked look in her face, it's like she doesn't want me to know... "Guys! I need to get my pills in my bag!", she showed them the time in her wrist watch. "Sure were taking a break before Teach comes back, so be back before she gets mad!", Jovi nodded and held me to the cafeteria.

"What's wrong?", Jovi's all sweaty. "Get me... Water... I really... need my pills", I hurried and gave her water. "Thanks", as she drank the water along with the medicine. "Are you okay?", I asked. "I'm fine just need to take my pills in the right time... Recently I became breatheless...", is she serious? What does that mean? "Breatheless?", I became curious, Jovi looked at me and suddenly hugged me, this made me blush like crazy. "Last 2 months, I tried to forget everything so I read a lot of manga to calm me down. And that day I saw a manga that was filled with moe and cuteness...", I became puzzled with this, Jovi did say that she barely read cute related things.

"Jovi!", I sat in front of her and gave her a kiss in the lips. She jumped a bit, and I parted our lips. Now I'm seeing a crimson red Jovi~, she was surprised and I stood up in my feet. Suddenly Jovi started to nod off, and felt sleepy for her to move. I saw her medicine cover, it's a medicine for a weak heart?!, she shouldn't have that kind of illness in this age! I'm tearing up again! "Jovi! Wake up!!"


Hi Guys! I'm kinda busy with things a school... So yeah! See ya guys in the next chapter~!

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