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Hey guys
Now this announcement not related to story
It is related to us , kaira and Naira fans
Now like people are not understanding our pain and what makers did that they broke our heart and trust
I hate them and I don't trust them
See we can't accept or love sirat
I hate her very much
Except played by shivi di
Tell one reason to accept or love her
Sirat didn't do anything to love her
But she did many things to hate her and bash her
I stopped like bashing them like it has been a good time
I bashed her on Instagram
Stop blaming or posting something thar hurt us kaira fans
We know she is played by shivi di only
But we love shivi di , Naira and other characters played by shivi we love them very much but exception is sirat
We want shivi di and Mohsin sir to have a good and bright future
And being in that show they can lose the charm
But we kaira fans still love them as shivi and kaira
But not as kairat
So if u want . U guys blame dkp and makers
Cause they r reason behind it
Because we kaira fans supported and love them when they r kaira
We still support them as shivin but not related anything to show
So stop blaming and basing us

kaira : the love that never ends (completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now