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" YO TRINA QUIT BLOWIN UP MY PHONE DAMN!" I yelled as i hung up. Lately trina been blowin up my phone almost everyday. Like i know i got that bomb dick but damn, fall the fuck back hoe. I see i was going to have to change my number. I was washing the dishes as she sent me a long message about her feelings but i never cared for her like that, i just wanted the cat. I was more worried about gettin my Nani back. I had tried calling her yesterday but she had got her number changed, she was serious and i had alot to fix.
I called up my older brother travis to come over and smoke one with me, i had to get sum shit off my chest.
I went and took me a quick shower and threw on some shorts and a shirt before going to the living and playing some 2k.

"Wassup boyy." Travis said as he walked in.

"Shidd stressin my nigga." I ran my hand down my face.

"Aw damn what you get yo dumb ass into now." He shook his head. "And where Nani?" He looked weirdly.

"Thats what i fucked up." I sat up and ran my hands down my face again.

"My nigga, she gone? Yall done?!" He asked supprised.

" Yeah man she gone." I sighed.

"What the hell happened."

"She was yellin askin why i had been commin in late for the past month or whatever and i told her i was doing business-"

"Fucking trina crazy ass, told you stop fucking with her crazy ass." Travis interrupted.

"Lemme finish. And she kept yelling and something came over me and i punched her in her mouth. a-a-and she told me she was pregnant and i told her to get out, but not leave me permanently." I got mad all over again.

"You really fucked up kev." Travis shook his head. "Why the fuck would you put your hands on a woman?! Fuck is wrong with you. Now she gone somewhere you don't know and with your child."

"Trav i ain't ready for no babies but i know i fucked up."

"So the fuck what. You think i was ready for ashton ass when i was only twenty one? I wasn't but i manned the fuck up because i wasn't finna do my son like dad did us. It was already fucked up you put your hands on her but now you got a child on the way from this woman. you basically threw away the five years yall was together for a hoe who now starting to get feelings fo yo dumb ass." Travis vented.

"I dont know what to do no more." I sighed and scratched my head.

"Simple, find yo baby momma."

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